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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Sept 11 1866 #418. E.B. page 12 Vol 2 | Am. F.U. Commission. C. Kennedy. Act. Cor. Sec. | New York. 1866. Requests transportation from N.Y. to Beaufort  S.C. for Miss. W.A. Wright teacher in the service of the N.Y. Branch of the Com'rs |
| Sept 10" 1866 #419. * | Adjt. General's Office E. G. Townsend. A.A.G. See M.412 Vol 5 1866 file | Washington Sept 10" 1866 Replies to reference of Aug 31" from Lt. McBlair for detail of Private Nichols Gee. "A" 4, U.S. Art. in the Bureau. States that the interest of the service will not permit the detail of men from Regular Army, except the  Vet. Res. |
| Sept 11" 1866 #420 | Adjt. General's Office. A.C. Wood A.G.O. Referred to Capt. Chur for report Sept 12" 1866. Recd back with report Sept 13" 1866 E.B. page 3" 1866 | Washington Sept 10 1866. Refers comr. of the Adjt. Generals of state of New York in case of Thos. Keenan who enlisted in the V.R.C. or I.C. July 3" 1863 who now wishes to obtain his Bounty ($300) which is deposited in the Hope Bank, Albany N.Y. certificate of deposit was given to Capt Dodge now Bt. Col. on duty in War Dept. asks how to obtain this certificate Endorsed by Col Dodge that he turned over to Capt. J. F. Chur. on duty in Freedmen's Bureau. To be referred to Capt Chur for report. |
| Sept. 11" 1866 #421 E.B. page 13" Vol 2 | Hon. Ralph. Home Mission Society Rev. J.S. Backins. Cor. Sec. | New York Sept 10" 1866 States that when in Washington, he learned from the builder, Mr. Ramsey, that the Normal School building is not to be plastered at present. Thinks it will be uncomfortable in the winter and inquires if Genl. Howard can  arrange so that while the workmen are engaged in the building, the plastering can be done. |
| Sept 12" 1866 #422 * | Adjt. Genl's Office. E.G. Townsend A.A.G See. C.265 Vol 6 1866. file | Washington Sept. 11" 1866. Replies to reference of application for detail of Poc Ed Green 1" Ind. Co. V.R.C. for duty in the Freedman's Bureau. States that the interest of the service will not admit of the detail of men from that organization it having been ordered to be mustered out. Enlisted men of the B.R.C. Regulars can be detailed. |
| Sept 13 1866 #423 * | Alabama W. Swayne General See WH3[[?]] Vol 8 1866 Telegram Sec L.B. 2 Telegram Sept 12 1866 Sec A 428 & 441 Vol 8 1866 file | Montgomery Sept 13 1866 . "Telegraph locality in Clark Co. Report can hardly be true. Nothing like sale of persons even for crime authorized by the laws of this state." |
| Sept 11" 1866 #424 E.B. page 14 Vol 2. | Alabama W. Swayne General | Montgomery 1866. Forwards approved, Proceeding of Board of Survey, Mobile Ala. convene per S.O. 31 Dist of Ala. to examine into and report upon the discrepancies said to exist between Invoices of a lot of stores and amount received from Medical Purveyer at New Orleans La. and for which A.A. Surg'n  Williams U.S.A is responsible |
| Sept 17" 1866 #425 * | Alabama, W. Swayne General Referred to Col. Balloch for remarks Sept 20" 1866. Ansd Sept 29" O.O.H. private LB files |  Acknowledges receipt of  of 6" inst relative to employment of teacher. Presents considerations and suggestions in connection with the educational work in Ala. |