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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 17" 1866. #426. | Adjt. General's Office. T. M Vincent. A.A.G. Referred to Lt Manning, (Thro Office of A.C. of Texas) who will report in compliance with endorsement from A.G.O Sept 18" 1866. | Washington. Sept 14" 1866.  Refers Report of 2" Lieut. A. F. Manning V.R.C. for more definite reports the County and State, where this officer is stationed is not given. |

| Sept 18" 1866. #427. * | Alabama W. Swayne General. Referred to Col. Balloch for remarks. Sept 20" 1866 Ansd Sept 21" 1866 O.O.H. private LB file | Montgomery  Sept 17" 1866  Suggests that the $45,000.00 remitted by him, having been derived from sale of Confe'd Property, can be lawfully applied to the payment of teachers, under Section 12 Act of July 16" 1866, which expresses, authorizes, and directs that such funds be appropriated "to the education of the Freedpeople" &c. |

| Sept 18" 1866. #428. * | Alabama. W. Swayne. General.  See A 431. Vol 8 1866.  See A 423. & 441 Vol 8 1866.  file with A 423. | Montgomery. Sept 13 1866.  "In connection with telegraphic correspondence of this date." refers to the may sensational items appearing at the north, in relation to affairs in Ala, and states that they are allways without foundation. |

| Sept 19" 1866. #429. * | Adjt General's Office. L. H. Pelouze, A.A.G.  Ansd L.B. Sept 22d 1866. Original returned Copy filed Sept 20" 1866 Jan 23" Original recd back & returned, official copy referred to Genl Balloch to comply with instructions attending. |

| Sept 19" 1866. #430. * | Alabama. W Swayne General. (1 enclo)  Ansd by telegram. Sept 21" 1866. file. | Montgomery Sept 14" 1866.  Reports conclusions arrived at in conference between himself and Gov'r. Patton, and Mr. Cruikshank, to [[enact?]] measures of relief of destitute in Ala. &c. |

| Sept 21" 1866. #431. * | Alabama. W. Swayne. General.  See A 423. Vol 8 1866.  See A 428. Vol 8 1866.  See A 441. Vol 8 1866.  file with A 423 Vol 8. | Montgomery Ala. Sept 15" 1866.  Reports that he has sent a confidential agent to Clark Co. who will in the course of ten days, report fully upon the condition of the Freedmen, and particularly as to the reported sale of the two freedmen; as referred to in Telegram of 13" inst. |

| Sept 22" 1866. #432. * | Am. Freedmen Union Commission, J. M. McKim, Sec. (1 enclo)  Referred to J. W. Alvord Sept 24" 1866. Recd back Ansd by Mr Alvord see his endorsement from approved file. | New York. Sept 20" 1866.  Encloses copy of "Form for School Report," adopted by Aid Apociations, and requested to be informed if it will be acceptable to the Commissioner. |

| Sept 21" 1866. #433. | Adjt. General's Office. T. M. Vincent. A.A. General. (1 enclo)  Returned to Genl Vincent no reason is known at this office, why the officer should not be mustered out of service Sept 24" 1866 | Washington Sept 19" 1866.  Refers, comn of Lieut. Samuel Bloomer V.R.C. forwarding Surgeon's certificate for an extention for 30 days to his leave of absence, and for informations, as to whether any reason exist, why this officer should not be mustered out of service. |

| Sept 21" 1866 #434. | Am. Freedmen Union Commission E. C. Esters, Sec.  Referred to A.C for N.C. for recommendation. Sept 22" 1866. Oct 22" Rec'd back & filed, with transportation #14.36. | New York Sept 20" 1866.  Requests transportation for Jerry Hawkins, his wife and child (colored) from Roanoke Island to Indianapolis Ind. |