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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 6" 1866. #452. | Adjt. Genl's. Office T. M. Vincent A.A.G. See A 498 Vol 8. 1866. | Washington Oct 6" 1866, Forwards com.n of Lt. Col A. P. Caraher V.R.C. reports on each leave for report as to whether any reasons exist why this officer should not be mustered out of service. |

| Oct 8" 1866 Referred to Asst Comr of S.C. for report in accordance with request sent with the endorsement from A.G.O. Oct 19" Rec'd back with report E.B. p 50 Vol 2.

| Oct 8" 1866. #453 * | Alabama W. Swayne, General filed. appointed Oct 10" See P.L.B. Vol 3. | Montgomery Oct 4" 1866. Requests permission to retain Mr Jas. McGregg late 1" Lt. 4th U.S.C.T. as an officer of the Bureau under Sect 4 new "Bureau Bill" |

| Oct 9" 1866. #454 | Abbott, Lyman. Genl Sec A.F.U. Comn See V 12, Vol 9 '67 Jan 5' Enclosed in V12 Vols 1867. referred to Mr. Alvoid. | New York Oct 6" 1866. States concerning the case of the mute Anna Williams that there are no institutions in New York or Baltimore, to which she can be sent. There is such an Asylum in Washington supported by Congress & that the papers have been referred to the principal of the institution. |

| Sept 24" 1866. #455 * | Adjt. General's Office. A. F. Rockwell A.A.G. See L.B. Sept 25" 1866. file. | Washington Sept 25" 1866 Transmits for the information of the Comr copy of letter to Maj General D. E. Sickles stating that Genl C. H. Howard Colonel 128" U.S.C.T. Capt A. P. Ketchum & Chaplain H. K. Noble 128" U.S.C.T. will not be mustered out with their Reg't, but will be retained in service for duty in Bureau R.F. & A.L. &c. |

| Oct 6" 1866 #456. * | Alabama State of R. M. Patton Gov.' file [[strikethrough]] Notified of a deposit yet [[/strikethrough]] | Montgomery Oct 1" 1866. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 26" ult: requesting copies of "Ordinance of the recent convention" and in compliance therewith forwards copies of the following statements, Ordinance and resolutions of the Convention New Penal Code and Acts of the General Assembly 1865-6. |

| Oct 9" 1866 #457 E.B. page 44 Vol 2 | Adjt. General's Office E. D. Townsend, A.A.G. See [[?]] 227. Vol 4 1866. enclosed | Washington Oct 8" 1866. States that papers in the case of Jonathan S Cox Claim Agent stating the "the Gov't owes Jerry Norfleet (colored) $70.00 for work on fortifications &c were referred from A.G.O. to Genl. Howard April 20" 1866 for report and have not yet been returned. Directs that the papers be returned, or a report be made of what disposition has been made of them with such information as can be obtained in this case. |

| Oct 10" 1866 #457 E.B. page 43. Vol 2. | Am. Freedmen Union Com's E. C. Esters Sec. See N 124 Vol 7 (1866). See R 117 Vol 8. 1866. | New York Oct 9" 1866. States that Surgeon J. W. Applegate of Magnolia Fla. reports that he has not received a case of clothing, with $560.75 shipped by the association through the Q.M. Dept. pr Steamer, Alabama July 27" 1866 |

| Oct 12" 1866 #459 | Adjt. General's Office. J.C. Kelton. A.A.G. See A 485 Vol 7. Oct 13" 1866 Referred to Asst Comr of Fla. for approval or disapproval. Oct 24" 1866 Rec'd back approved & forwarded to Adjt Genl approved. | Washington Oct 12" 1866. Refers communication of "2" Lt. Henry C. Kuhn V.R.C. tendering his resignation. | 



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