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| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 24" 1866 #476 | Adjt. General's Office. E.D. Townsend A.A.G. (8 enclos.) See P 130 Vol 7 & P. 156 170 Vol 8.  Aug 22d R | Washington Oct 20" 1866 Refers comn. of Maj. Gen'l D.E. Sickles encloses papers in the case of J.H. Page U.S. Pension Agent for N.C. who earnestly prays that his accounts for money advanced and service rendering in the interest of the Freedmen. Memorandum of the case as follows. It appears that Dr. Page was appointed by Gen'l Palmer to care for the Refugees and poor in N.C. a portion of whom consisted of over 1000 women and children families of enlisted men in the loyal N.C. army also widows and orphans of victims of yellow fever and refugees following Gen'l Shermans Army. That Dr. Page disbursed in relief of these parties $15,765 24/100 a portion of which was paid from the "civil fund" and the balance $7942 58/100 is still due him (Dr. Page) accounts for this am't with vouchers for all but $2690 were presented by Dr. Page. Col Whittlesey Asst. Com'r &c reported favorably upon the claim, but there being no funds from which this money could be paid it was recommended the Adjt Genl in report of the case to the Sec of War submitted April 30"/66 that Gen'l Ruger Comdg. Dept. of N.C. be directed to sell a certain Steam Fire Engine belonging to Gov't at Newbern N.C. apply the proceeds to the reimbursement of Dr. Page. This recommendation was approved by the Sec of War and the necessary instructions were issued to Genl Ruger under date of May 16" 66 Aug 27" Comn. rec'd from Dr. Page stating that this "Fire Engine" has been sold by the Q.M. Dept. on terms of unlimited credit and applies for payment of his claim from some other source. Another comn. to same purport rec'd Sept 25" In Genl Howard, Genl Sickles being called upon for report forwards statement of Col Bomford that no records can be found of any papers in this case having been received by Ruger from A.G. and recommends that as the "Engine" has been disposed of by order of the Q.M. Genl: Mr Page be reimbursed out of the appropriation for the support & care of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands.
E.B p 80 Vol 2 Feby 23" Recd back with report E.B. p 343 Vol 2 March 6" Rec'd back with report E.B. p 378 Vol 2 March 16" Rec'd back from Genl Balloch C.D.O and sent to Sec of War at his order - Aug 22 67 Recd back with S.O. #210 Vol 10. 67

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 25" 1866 #477 | Adjt General's Office C.W. Foster A.A.G.T. Cashier of Savings Bank Norfolk Va. | Washington Oct 23" 1866 Requests information as to whether any money has been deposited at that Bank by the enlisted men of the 35" U.S.C.T. if so the amount. Oct 26" Transmitted without any endorsement |

| Oct 23" 1866 #478 * | Adjt. General's Office R. Williams A.A.G. See M444 Vol 8 file | Washington Oct 18" 1866 Furnishes for the information of the Com'r official copy of letter from A.G.O. to Maj. J.C. Mann A.Q.M. Vols. Northborough Mass acknowledging receipt of his application for permission to return to Wilmington N.C. - States that the application has not been fovably considered. |

| Oct 25" 1866 #479 * | Adjut General's Office J.C. Kelton A.A.G. file | Washington Oct 24" 1866 Refers for the information of the Com'n official copy of letter of 15" inst from Col A.G. Bready Sup't Raleigh N.C. giving information of the death of A.A. Surgn. A A Chase U.S.A. |

| Oct 24" 1866 #480 * Abbott John | Lynchburg Va Oct 20" 1866 Requests an order for five (5) days Rations for Freedmen in transit to Miss. file ans. see LB to A.C. of Va Oct 25" 1866 |

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