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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct. 20" 1866 #487 | Alabama C. W. Buckley Supt Ed. (6 enclos) | Montgomery Oct 24" 1866 Encloses Certificates of transportation of Rev. M. F. Richardson and family including two minor children not employed as teachers; states that it was the understanding with the Cleveland Commission that the children should be transported the same as teachers. Would be pleased to have this understanding carried out. Oct. 31 - Referred to Genl Whittlesey C.Q.M. | 

| Oct - 1866 #488 * | Ash Gracie (1 enclo) | Washington Oct 20" 1866 Desires information concerning her daughters Gracie Ash now Gracie York and Charity Ash the former belonging to Wm Horton of Red River Landing, Miss and the latter to Dr. Harrison Jordan of Young's Bluff La. Report of Genl Hood suspended in Mr Burns desk. Oct 30" Referred to Asst. Comr. of Miss for investigation report. Dec 12" 1866 Rec'd back with report. Dec 13" Referred to A.C. of La for report filed. Feby 26" 1867 Recd back with report filed. |

| Oct 30" 1866 #489 * | Adjt General's Office E. D. Townsend General | Washington Oct 30" 1866 Requests that the Com'r will send in his annual Report and a synopsis of it today. filed. ans'd by Genl Thomas in person |

| Oct 30 1866 #490 | Adjt General's Office T. M. Vincent A.A.G. (1 encls) See T. 239 Vol 8. | Washington Oct 30" 1866 Encloses to 1" Lt J. A. Taylor an official copy of Extract 8 Special Order No 534 Oct 27; at G.O. which discharges him from the U.S. service, also inviting his attention to charges embraced in an endorsement of Genl Kiddoo upon his application for a change of station. Oct 30" Transmitted to Lt. Saylor the A.C. of Texas |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 31" 1866 #491 | Alabama W. Swayne General (4 enclo) | Montgomery Ala Oct 25" 1866 Transmits the following reports for the month of September 1866. Reports of Refugees Freedmen: Lands: Schools and changes in Officers and Civilians. filed. schools report to Mr. Alvord. |

| Oct 24" 1866 #492 | Adjt General's Office T. W. Vincent A.A.G. | Washington Oct 29" 1866 Requests information concerning 1" Lt. J.B. Blanding and 2" Lt. S.G. Butts V.R.C. from whom no reports have been received the former since April 30" 1866 and the latter since July 4" 1866. Respecting Lt. Butts, See L#163, L#189, L#200, A#586. Respecting Lt. Blanding, see E.B. p.65 Vol 2. |

| 1- 1866 #493 | Armies of U.S. E. S. Parker Col & A.D.C. | Washington Oct 15" 1866 Refers application of Capt Thos. C. Williams 19" U.S. Infty, to be assigned to duty in Tenn as he is involved in a law suit to be tried at Nashville; until the case is decided. Has permission from Gen'l Grant to make this application. With remark, If a volunteer officer is on duty in Tenn, can be mustered out, without detriment to the public service, to do so. and make application for Capt Williams. |

| Nov 1" 1866 #494 | Adjt General's Office J. C. Kelton A.A.G. | Washington Oct 31" 1866 Refers telegram of B. R. Cann Adjt Genl acknowledging the receipt of telegram to Col Sprague whom he reports to be either at Little Rock. Ark. or enroute for home. With request that the address of Genl Sprague will be furnished and whether he will accept the appointment tendered him. E.B. p.66 Vol 2 |

Transcription Notes:
3/12 - REMOVED [[RIGHT/LEFT SIDE]] AND [[END COLUMNED TABLE]] THIS IS NOT REQUIRED 3-11-2022: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review 3-12-22- Edited and marked as complete