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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- | 

| Nov 1st 1866 # 495. | Adjt. General's Office. J. C. Kelton, A.A.G. See D 459, Vol 8. Nov 2nd Transmitted to Lt Kuhn (thro A.C. of Fla.) | Washington Oct 31st 1866. Notifies 2nd Lt. Henry H Kecher, V.R.C. that his resignation has been accepted to date Oct 31st 1866. | 

| Nov 1st 1866. #496 | Adjt. General's Office Sam'l Breck A.A.G. See C 376 Vol 8. & A. 3 Vol 9. | Washington Oct 31st 1866 States in reply to comn of 10th inst requesting the discharge of John Cook, Arty. Detacht. West Point, N.Y. that the interests of the service will not admit of its being granted on the grounds presented. | 

| Nov. 1st 1866. #497 | Adjt. Genl's. Office, Sam'l. Breck A.A.G. see C 313 Vol 8. Nov. 1st Referred to Genl CH Howard for his information. | Washington Oct 31st 1866. Replies to reference of comn of Genl. C.H. Howard Asst. Com'r, &c requesting the detail of Private Jno P. Cummings Co. "K" 5th U.S. Cav. as clerk in his office; states that such details can only be made from the V.R.C. and the application is not favorably considered. |

| Nov 2nd 1866 #498 | Adjt. General's Office, T.M. Vincent, A.A.G. (1 encl) See A 532 Vol 8. 1866. Nov. 5 Returned to Genl. T.M. Vincent as pr request of Nov 1st 1866 | Washington Nov. 1st 1866. Refers to be noted com'n of Lt. Col. A.P. Caraher V.R.C. returning letter A.G.O. 22d ult. making statement and calls attention to Surgeons Certificate enclosed and and order extending his leave of absence, Note. S.O. #74. Hd. Qrs. A.C. Charleston S.C. extended for 20 days the leave of absence granted Col Caraher for 20 days by S.O. #61. Aug 18th 66, from said Hd. Qrs. S.O. 74 &c returned to Col Caraher in person Nov 1st 1866. | 

| Nov. 2nd 1866. #499 | Anderson Joseph (Colored) Nov 3rd Returned to Joseph Anderson, with a copy of the Homestead Act for his information. | Chicago, Ill. Oct 26th 1866 Makes inquiries respecting the abandoned lands and United States lands in the south, &c. |

| Nov 5th 1866. #500 E.B. 71 V 2. | Adjt General's Office T.M. Vincent, A.A.G. (1 encl.) | Washington Nov. 5th 1866. Refers comn of 2nd Lt. F.W. Foote, V.R.C. stating he has been relieved from duty in Freedmen's Bureau by S.O. #159. B.R.F. & A.L. Oct 31st 1866. For report of circumstances under which this officer was relieved, and for what purpose he was ordered to report to Adjt. General of the Army. |

| Nov 5th 1866. #501 | Adjt. General's Office E.D. Townsend A.A.G. See. A 545. Vol 8. & A 547 Vol 1. Nov 6th Referred to Asst. Com'r. for Ky for the information requested Novr 14th Rec'd back with report E.B. p. 88 Vol 2. | Washington Nov 1st 1866. Refers comn of Capt R.E. Johnson 43th U.S. Infty who reports duties and post office address. For information as to whether the within named officer can be spared from his present duties. |

| Nov 5th 1866. #502 | Adjt General's Office E.D. Townsend A.A.G. Nov 6th Referred to Asst. Comr. of Va for the information requested Nov 8th 1866. Rec'd back with report E.B. p. 75 Vol 2 | Washington Nov 2nd 1866. Refers Comn of Capt James A Bates 43th U.S. Infty. who reports duties and post office address for remarks as to whether this officer can be spared from his present duties. |