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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov. 6" 1866 #503 | Alvord Henry. E. From Sec of War  Nov. 12" Referred to Asst. Com'r of S.C. for report. Nov 22" Rec'd. back with report. E. B. p 96. Vol 2. | Beaufort S. C. Oct. 30" 1866 States that Rev. S. K. Noble, Chaplain of the 128" U.S. Colored Troops, draws pay and performs no duty. |

| Nov. 6" 1866 # 504 EB p 75 Vol 8. | Adjt General's Office C. W. Foster. A.A.G. (1 enclos) | Washington Nov. 5th 1866 Returns letter of Maj. Genl. O O Howard, asking for the retention in service after the muster out of his regiment of Lt. Col. Wm W. Beebe, 128" U.S.C.T. for duty in that Bureau. With endorsement "Lt. Col. Beebe has been muster out of service. His desired to know if Genl Howards considers the necessity for this offices services in his Bureau sufficiently great to warrant the revocation of his muster out, which took effect the 15th ultimo." |

| Nov 7" 1866 # 505 | Armies of the U.S. U.S. Grant General (2 enclos) Nov 9" Referred to Asst Com'r for Ala. for his action. | Washington Nov. 7" 1866 Refers come of J. W. Withers Mayor of Mobile Ala concerning question of church revalry in Mobile. between Godfrey and Edmund Taylor. Submits copy of letter of Lt. Gen. Shafter Asst. Supt. Freedmen's Bureau in Ala and letter of Jefferson Hamilton in the matter. |

| Nov 8" 1866 # 506 E.B p 86 Vol 2. | Adjt. General's Office E. D. Townsend A.A.G. | Washington Nov. 6" 1866 Refers, for remarks coms of Maj Genl D. E. Sickles, Comq Dept. of the South, requesting authority to detail (Officers on duty in the Freedmen's Bureau and within his Comd.) on court martial duty whenever the exigencies of the service may require, states his reasons. |

| Nov. 10" 1866 #508 | Am. Miss. Association George Whipple, Sr. (4 enclos) Nov 14" Returned with the information in that this officer has been ordered to report to the Adjt. Genl of the Army. | New York Nov 9th 1866 Encloses request for transportation of stores for use of freedmen in two forms: states that the method heretofore pursued occasions a loss of some days' time and adopted &c. that some Officer at Hd. Qrs. Dept of the East at Philadelphia be authorized to approved such applications &c. |

| Nov 10" 1866 #509 | Am. Miss Assocation Jno A. Rockwell Local Supt. (1 enclos) Nov. 10" Referred to Asst. Com'r of Ga. for remarks. Dec 4" Rec'd. back. with report E.B. p 117" Vol 2 file. | Macon, Ga. Nov 6" 1866 State that he is frequently obliged to reset distant parts of the State in the interests of the Schools and at the suggestion of Mr. Eberhart, asks for free transportation when traveling on business of the Association. |