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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 10" 1866. #510. | Adjt. General's Office. E. D. Townsend. A.A.G.  Nov. 13" Returned. Lt. J. K Warden, has been relieved from duty in this Bureau, and ordered to report to Adjt Gen'l U.S.A. by S.O. 66. Par III, copy enclosed. | Washington Nov. 8" 1866  Refers for remarks, personal report of 1" Lieut. James K. Warden, 45" U.S. Inft'y. |

| Nov 12" 1866. #511 | Aulick R. Commander U.S.N.  Nov 13" Referred to Asst. Com'r of D.C. | Washington. Nov 7" 1866.  Recommends two colored women to the favorable consideration of the Bureau, as objects of charity. | 

| Nov 12" 1866. #512 | Alabama. C. W. Buckley Supt of. Ed.  To. Mr. Alvord. | Montgomery.  Nov 7" 1866  Forwards School Report for state of Ala. and month of Oct 1866. |

| Oct 11" 1866 #513 | Ashley S. S. Cashier F. S&T. Co., To. Mr. J. W. Alvord.  Nov 14" Referred to the Asst. Com'r of NC for remarks. Nov 21" 1866 Rec'd back with report. E.B p 18. Vol 2 | Wilmington NC. Oct 8" 1866  Acknowledges receipt of letter of suggestions. States that he is buying up school buildings and asks how much of the appropriation for school can be allotted to that Dist. Freedmen are poor, crops small, prices are low, and there will be suffering unless some liberal help from the south extended. |

| Nov 12" 1866 #514. | Avery Robt. Bt. Brig General.  Nov 13" Referred to A.C of N.C. who will please answer the questions direct to Gen'l Avery. | Raleigh N.C. Nov 9" 1866.  Requests all possible information respecting the erection: use, & final disposition of a mill on Roanoke Island N.C. This information to be used in the trial of Bt. Major Alex. Goslin A.Q.M. Vols. and formerly Asst. Superintendent of the Bureau on the Island. |

| Nov 12" 1866 #515. * | Am. Miss. Association Rev. Geo Whipple Sec. (2 enclo's)  file | New York. Nov 10" 1866.  States that during his absence a communication was sent to the Com'r, received from Texas concerning Genl Kiddoo states that Genl Kiddoo gives the whole School interests to the Assn. Also calls attention to enclosed note from Rev Mr Shipherd concerning the plan of Genl Wood's in Miss. |

| Nov 14" 1866 #516 | Anderson Adeline (Colored.) (1 enclo's)  Nov 14" Referred to Asst. Comr of D.C. | Washington Nov. 12" 1866  Complains of ill treatment received at the hands of Dr Ellis on on the occasion of her recent illness. |

| Nov 14" 1866 #517 | Adjt Generals Office. E. D. Townsend AA.G. Nov 15" Returned to the Adjt Gen'l with the information that the services of this officer cannot be spared without detriment to the interests of this Bureau. | Washington Nov 12" 1866. Refers report of Capt Mallery 43" U.S. Infty for remarks and to know if this officer can be spared |

Transcription Notes:
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