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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 26" 1866 # 543. * | Am. Miss. Association. J. M. Shipherd Sec'y. (4 enclo's) See A 568. & D 551. Vol 8. See. L.B. Dec 5 1866. File | Chicago Ill  Nov 22" 1866 Encloses separate applications, as follows, 1" for $1000.00 to complete a schoolhouse for freedmen at Kansas City, Mo. 2" for a salary of $1200.00 per year for Isaac T. Gibson, as a citizen Agent of the Bureau to work on organizing schools in Mo: 3" for $500.00 to finish schoolhouse for freedmen at Topeka Kansas: 4" for $50.00 per month as rent of a schoolroom at St. Louis Mo. Returned by the C.D.O. without endorsement. |

| Nov 23" 1866 #544 * | Am. Bapt. Home Miss Society J.S. Backus Sec. See A 467 Vol 8 file | New York Nov 22" 1866 States that he has examined the papers forwarded by the Com'r relating to the School on the Corner of 17" & J Sts Washington. The Society has instructed Rev E.E.L. Taylor D.D. to visit Washington and examine the subjects pending, referred to in the communication of Genl. Howard and until his arrival there is no one in Washington empowered to act for the Society |

| Nov 26" 1866 #545 E.B. p. 104 Vol. 2. | Adjt. General's Office E.D. Townsend A.A.G. See A 501 Vol 8 | Washington Nov 23" 1866 Refers for remarks, com'n of Bt Col R.E. Johnson stating that having passed satisfactory examination before the Examining Board at Chicago for Captaincy in 43" U.S.I. he returned to his station at Lexington Ky. The Q.M. Dept refuses to pay him Mileage from Chicago to Lexington not having orders to proceed from the former to the latter place. Requests the necessary order. |

| Nov 27" 1866 #546 | Adjt General's Office C.W. Foster A.A.G. See L.B Nov 24 Nov 27 Returned will Genl Foster furnish the date of the muster out of the 7" U.S.C.T for the information of this office. | Washington Nov 26" 1866 States in reply to communication of the 24th inst. that Surgeon A.T. Augustin 7" U.S.C.T. has been mustered out of the service with his regiment. Invites attention to Par 5 Circular 75 series of 1864 from A.G.O. |

| Nov 28" 1866 #547 * | Adjt. General's Office E.D. Townsend General See A 501. 545 Vol 8. file. Official copy to C. of K | Washington Nov 26" 1866 States that Capt R.E. Johnson 43rd Infty will be retained on duty in this Bureau until further orders |

| Nov 28" 1866 #548 | Adjt. General's Office Sam'l Breck, A.A.G. Dec 3rd Returned to Gen S Breck There is no record of the within named officer in this Bureau.| Washington Nov 28" 1866 Requests that that office be furnished with the address of Richard Realf, late Adjt. 88" Ill's. Vol. who is thought to be on duty in Freedmen's Bureau. |

| Nov 28" 1866 #549 E.B. p 112 Vol 2 | Adjt. General's Office T.M. Vincent. A.A.G. | Washington Nov 28" 1866. Refers com'n of 2" Lt. Jacob Roth V.R.C. calling attention to his report of Nov 5" 1866. For report as to the circumstances this officer was relieved from duty in the Bureau of R.F & A.L. |

Transcription Notes:
not correct