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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | 
| --- | --- | --- | 

| Dec 18" 1866 # 583 | Adjt. Genl. Office. T. M. Vincent, A.A.G. 2 enclo See. M. 481 & 524. Vol. 8. | Washington Dec 17" 1866. Forwards to Lt. Wm. M. Mitchell V.R.C. copy of S.O. No 62. A.G.O. C.S. 1866. mustering him out of service, & encloses copy of charges. Dec 18" Transmitted thro A.C. of Ga. | 

| Dec 20" 1866 #583 | Armies of U.S Geo. K. Leit A. A. G. | Washington Dec 20" 1866 Forwards letter of Hon. J. G. Blaine M.C. recommending Capt. Geo. F. Schayer V.R.C. for brevet promotion. E.B. p. 164 Vol. 2 - James - Rec'd back with report E.B. 216 Vol 2. |

| Dec 21" 1866 #584 | Am. Miss. Association George Whipple Sec. (1 enclo) See A #29"1867 See LB Jan 25 1867 | New York Dec 19" 1866 Respecting the proposed educational institution to be located at Atlanta Ga, & enclosing a bond to make the same open to pupils regardless of color. Dec 21" Referred to Genl Balloch C.D.O. Jan 25 Rec'd back with the report. filed herewith A#27" Vol 1 1867 Feby 26" Bond returned encl. The within terms are satisfactory & the appropriation forwarded Genl. Tillson A. A. of Ga. a school building at Atlanta Ga will be made (sd) O.O.H |

| Dec 21" 1866 #585 * | Adjt. Genls. Office. T. M. Vincent. A.A.G. file. | Washington Dec 20" 1866 Returns letter of Genl. Howard requesting that all competent Officers of the V.R.C now on duty with this Bureau will be retained until they are replaced by other Officers of the Army. With remarks "That no Officers of the V.R.C. will be or have been for some time past relieved from duty in your Bureau except upon your recommendation." |

| Dec 22" 1866 #586 | Adjt Generals Office Samuel Breck General See L. 200 & A. 492 Vol 8. See J 5 Vol 9 67 | Washington Dec 20" 1866 Refers pension papers in case of S.G. Butts Lt. V.R.C. for information if the date of the death is correctly given therein. papers to be returned. | E.B. p. 173 Vol 2. Feby 18" 1867 Recd back with report E.B. p. 321 Vol 2. |

| Dec 19" 1866 #587 * | Alvord J. W. Inspector of School file | Washington Dec 18" 1866 Transmits Abstract of the Reports of School for the several states for the month of October 1866. |

| Dec 26" 1866 #588 | Adjt. General's Office C. W. Foster A.A.G. (4 encl's) | Washington Dec 22" 1866 Refers papers of Capt T. J. Abel lat. of 56" U.S.C.T. who encloses his muster out roll & discharge also orders retaining him in service after the muster out of his Reg't and requests that he may receive pay to the date of his discharge to the Comr. "Who will call upon Genl Sprague to know if any reason exist why a sufficient amount of his pay should not be stopped to reimburse. Capt. Abel for services rendered after the muster of his regiment and necessarily without pay he having been retained in service in violation of orders and through Genl Sprague's apparent failure to comply within a reasonable time with the orders of the Dept. Commander directing him to relieve Capt. Abel from duty in the Freedmen's Bureau Genl Sprague will also report whether or not he informed Capt Abel that his regiment was about to be mustered out. Also calls attention to Genl Order #54. A.G.O. Series 1865." Dec 27" Referred to Genl Sprague whose attention is invited to the endorsement from A.G.O. hereon Jan 21" 1867 Rec'd back with report E.B. p. 237 Vol 2. |

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