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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 28" 1866 [No. 1] #213. | Browne C. C. L.  Returned to know for what purpose this information is desired. Aug 29" 1866. | New York Aug 27" 1866. Desires the address of Lt Mont. S. Reed. |

| Aug 29" 1866. [No. 1] #214 * | Brown J. M. Bt. Maj. & Chief. Q.M.  file See L.B. Aug 31" 1866. | Washington Aug 29" 1866.  States that in Feb'y, last he was directed by Maj Genl Howard to receipt to the Q.M. Dept. and turn over to Mr. R. M. Janney for use of colored schools, 7 barracks at Camp Parol, Annapolis, Md. Has written to Mr. Janney relative to these buildings, but can receive no reply. Requests that the officer on duty at Annapolis be directed to ascertain the present condition & location of these buildings and report thereon, and receipt to him for them in their present condition. | 

| Sept 4" 1866. #215. [No. 1] | Brown A. B. Capt. V.R.C. (2 enclo's)  See K 209 Vol 6 1866. See B 216 Vols 8. Forwarded approved. | Louisville. Aug 30" 1866  Forwards for file with application for appointment in one of the new regiments V.R.C. recommendations from Colonel Jas Stewart, & Lt Col. G. S. Grinings, asking for his retention in the service. |

| Sept 5" 1866. #216. [No. 1] | Brown A. B. Capt. V.R.C.  See B 215. Vol 8 & R 209 Vol 6 1866. Forwarded for file with previous papers. Sept 5" 1866 | Louisville  Sept 2" 1866.  Forwarded for file with application for appointment in one of the new regiments V.R.C. recommendation from Maj. Genl Jno G. Foster, U.S.V. |

| Sept 6" 1866. #217. [No. 1] * | Beecher. Henry. Ward Rev. From Sec of War.  file. | Washington. Nov 1" 1865.  A Committee from the American Missionary. Association makes certain suggestions relative to the support of the Freemen. |

| Sept 7" 1866. #218. [No.1] | Burd Charles H. 1st Lieut. 12" V.R.C. (1 enclos)  See B. 232 Vol 2  Forwarded approved. Sept 8" 1866. | Boston, Mass. Sept 5" 1866. Forwards his resignation, tendered on account of physical disability and important private business. |

| Sept 10" 1866. #219. [No. 1] | Ball G. W. J. Military Agent. Pr. R.R. Co.  Referred to Maj. Brown for information. Sept 12" 1866. Recd back with report. Sept 12" 1866. E.B. page 13 Vol 2. | Philadelphia Pa. Sept 8" 1866.  States that he has a number of Transportation Orders, issued by Gen'l. Rucker and Capt. Payne, Q.M's. at Washington for transportation of Refugees and Freedmen. Desires to know to whom these accounts are to be sent for payment. |

| Sept 11" 1866. [No. 2] #210. * | Bradley Aaron A.  Ans. L.B. Sept 15" 1866 file. | Boston. Sept 9" 1866  Requests that the Com'r. grant a school House for 200 pupils at Savannah Ga. under provisions of the "Freedman's Bureau Bill;" also states there are a large number of Refugees in Boston who wish to return Homesteads and desires transportation under the 5 Sec of the Bill. &c. |

| Sept 11" 1866. [No. 2] #211 | Butcher Thos J.  Referred to Asst Com'r of D.C. Sept 12" 1866. | Philadelphia Sept 8" 1866.  Desires to obtain farm hands and house servants. |