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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 2nd 1866 #221 | Barg Aug Claim Agent | New Orleans Sept 24th 1866 Submits claim of A. F. Numan of St. Charles Parish for rent of a school house accepted by this Bureau ($137.00) from 22nd Aug 1864 till 6th of July 1865 also for 3 three thousand bricks taken worth $200.00 for MS. | Oct 4 Res ref. to Gen. Sheridan Asst Comr of La. for his opinions of the merits and validity of this claim.
Nov 21st Rec'ds back with report E.B. p 94 vol 2 Nov 22 Rec'ds back with report E.B. p97 vol 2 Feb 28th Rec'd back with report E.B. p 366 Vol 2. |

| Oct 3rd 1866 #222 | Boswell. F.A. J.P. | Washington Oct 3rd 1866. Submits cases of Squire Palmer (colored) who has been brought before him for selling cigars without a Licence. the cigars having been given him by one R.H. Welsh. Claim Agent as part payment of their bounty. Requests that the Com's will look into this case. | Oct 4 Ref to Maj. Eldridge Claim Div'n for his inf'n |

| October 5th 1866 #223 | Barnes John W. Capt. V.R.C. | Suffolk Va. Sep 29 1866. Makes application for assignment to one of the new Regts V.K.C, to be founded under the late Act of Congress. For'd by Lier of War for report. Oct 5: Referred to Gen'l J M. Schofield Asst. Comn Va for recommendation and remarks. Oct 10th 1866 Rec'd back with report. E.B. page 42 Vol 2. |

| Sept 26th 1866. #224 * | Boyd James | New York. Sept 25th 1866. Makes statement in relation to a verbal agreement entered into with Mrs. Griffing for the renting of his house to the Freedmen's Bureau which agreement was repudiated by Mrs. Griffing after he had vacated his house and put it in readiness for occupation. file. ans'd P.L. B. Vol 2 Sept 27th 1866. |

| Oct 12th 1866. #225. | Bowman S.M. (late Col Vols.) | New York. Oct 10th 1866. States that the officer in charge of the Bureau at Richmond Va claims the right to the improvements on Brown's Island in the James River belonging to the estate of Hall Nelson deceased. States that Mr. Nelson was a loyal man, removed from Richmond Av Philadelphia just before the war &c. Requests that the family be allowed to returned possessions. Oct. 12th 1866. Referred to Asst. Comr of Va. for remarks. Oct 17th 1866 Recd back with report. E.B. p 118 Vol 3. |

| Oct 15th 1866. #226 | Bennett H.S. (4 enclo) | Marshal Harrison Co. Texas. Sept 29th 1866. States that in Oct 1865 he was arrested fined $500. for striking a negro girl over the head, this by order of Col. J.C. DeGress at Hunston Texas, says he is in very moderate circumstances and requests that portion of the fine be remitted, Appealed to General Gregory, who referred the papers back to Col DeGress for report, need inform that report confirmed his action. Encloses all papers and requests the action of the Com'r, if decided against him, requests the return of papers. E.B. p 73 Vol 2 |

| Oct 15th 1866. #227. * | Bachus T.J. Recd Sec A.B.H.M.S. | New York. Oct 13th 66. Requests information relative to transportation allowances to teachers of freedmen. Oct 15 Respectfully referred to J W Alvord for the within information (sd) A.P.K. A.A.A.G. filed. Ans'd by Mr. Alvord Oct 16 1866. | 

Transcription Notes:
Per Si instructions do not call out things like pages [[start of page 2]]