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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 15th 1866 #228 | Brown A.K. Solicitor. &c. (1 enclos) | Washington Oct 15th 1866 States that Wm Snoden (colored) late Private Co "K" 6th U.S.C.I. has been convicted in the Criminal Court of "Assault and Battery with intent to kill" and sentenced to 2 years confinement and hard labor in the Albany Penitentiary. Thinks the conviction unjust as he believes him innocent of the intention and suggest that if it be deemed adviseable, application]be made to the President for his pardon. Oct 18th Returned to Mr. Brown for the preparation of the necessary papers. Feby 11th Rec'd back with report E.B. p292 V 2 |

| Oct 18th 1866. #229 | Burton A.B. (1 enclo) | Philadelphia Oct 11th 1866. Asks to be informed of the name of the Bureau Agent nearest to Clinton (12 miles from Macon) Ga. to make inquiries about property left to Fereaby Ballingslea | Oct 19th Referred to A.C. of Ga. for investigation and report. Dec 13th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p113 Vol 2 |

| Sept 29th 1866. #230 * | Brown, J.M. Bt. Major and A.Q.M. See p 165 Vol 8 | Washington Sept 29th 1866. States that Franklin Barrows was lately employed by him as watchman and was discharged only because his services were no longer required. file |

| Oct 19th 1866 #231| Byrne T.L. (late of the 11th Mass Vol.) | Independence Ma Oct 11th 1866. States that Mr Jonathan Mc Kinney late of Washington Co Ark, who in 1860 was appointed teamster for certain School lands, is in trouble about the matter; having been informed that parties who were owing him considerable amt's for these lands as teamster were selling them to school parties; he holds bonds & notes of these parties & he desired to have the matter disposed of in a manner that will give the state of Ark its dues, at the same time relieving him from anxiety concerning this important trnst. Oct 9th Referred to Sec of the Interior. |

| Oct 20th 1866. #230. * | Burd Chas. H. 1st Lieut 12th V.R.C. See B 218 Vol 8. | Boston Mass. Oct 16th 1866. States that on the 6th of Aug he received copy of S.O. 106 relieving him from duty in Va and ordering him to duty in Texas; that he applied for 3 days leave of Absence, and on the 7" Aug, left City Point Va for New York. That on account of ill health he forwarded his resignation Sept 5th thru the Bureau to the Adjt. General's. Desires to be informed whether his resignation has been accepted or if he shall proceed to Texas. file. See P.L.B. Oct 22" 1866. |

| Oct - 1866. #233. | Bradley A.B. | Friendship N.Y. Oct 25th 1866. Writes in behalf of a colored man named George W. Bond who desires to have his wife and four children sent to him from Windsor N.C. desires to know if the Bureau will aid him. Oct 31st Referred to Adj. of N.C. for remarks. Dec 4th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p116. Vol 2. |

| Nov 2nd 1866. #234 * | Brown and Smithers. Solicitors &c. | Washington. Nov 2nd 1866. Requests that this office be furnished with "The United States Statutes at Large." file See L.B. to Sec of War. Nov 23. |

| Nov. 7th 1866. #235. | Bradley. Tom. (late Bt. Maj 124th N.Y.V.) | Walden N.Y. Nov 5th 1866. States that Mrs. James Kidd desires information in regard to obtaining colored servants. Nov 7th 1866 Referred to A.C. of D.C |