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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 23" 1866 # 312 | Columbia Dist. of C. H. Howard General. Oct 24" Forwarded approved. | Washington Oct 23" 1866 | Requests that Private Joseph Allen 44th U.S. Infty may be detailed for duty in the office of the Local Supt. D.C. to replace Sergt. John Robbins recently mustered out of service. |

| Oct 18" 1866 # 313 | Columbia Dist of C H Howard, General. See A 497. Vol 8. Oct 23" Forwarded approved. | Washington Oct 16" 1866 Applies for the detail of John O. Cummings Co "K" 5th U.S. Cav'y  clerk at his Hd Qur's. |

| Oct 25" 1866. # 314 E.B p 62, Vol 2, | Columbia Dist of C. H. Howard. General. (1 enclos) #1496 transportation. | Washington Oct 24" 1866. Forwards letter of Lucy Ingraham (col'd) stating that her son Edward Ingraham (col'd) is sick at Columbus Miss. without money or friends, and requests that he be sent to her with remark, if he could be properly cared for where he is, it would be better than to bring him here. |

| Oct 29" 1866 # 315. | Columbia. Dist. of C. H. Howard General.  E.B. p 67. Vol 2. Mov. 28" Rec'd back with report. E.B. p 106, vol 2. Dec 4 Rec'd back with report E.B. 115 Vol 2. | Washington Oct 26" 1866 Forwards letter of Charlotte Don[[?]] (col'd) requesting that her child Emily, living with Mrs Nancy Fenin at Greenwood Va. may be returned to her. With the remark that if the child has good treatment it is not desired to bring her to this Dist. |

| Oct 29" 1866. # 316. | Columbia Dist of C. H. Howard. General. Oct 29" Forwarded and earnestly recommended. | Washington Oct 27" 1866. Requests that Bt. Col S. P. Low, Sup't &c. who has received an appointment as Captain in the 45' Inftry. (V.R.C.) and has been ordered to report by letter to the Adjt. Genl. A.U.S.D. for assignment may be reassigned to duty in his Dist, as he has no officer to replace him. | 

| oct 29" 1866. #317 * | Cory Johnathan Jr. see C 306 Vol 8. C 324 Vol 8, Oct 30" Referred to A.C. of Fla. in connection with previous papers Nov. 13" Papers in question returned. see C 306 Vol 8, Nov 15" Rec'd back and filed with C 306, Vol 8. | Jacksonville Fla. Oct 26" 1866. States that he has procured the necessary instruments and will survey for the Freedmen, who may be sent to Fla. Requests the returned to him his Commission from the Pres. Church and letters sent in his last. | 

| Oct 30" 1866. # 318 | Cook J. M. Oct 30" Referred to A.C. of Miss for investigation and report Nov 14" Rec'd back with report EB p 88. Vol 2, | Oxford Miss. Oct 23" 1866. States that he received the appointment of Act. Sub Asst. Com'r. &c in Dec 1865, from Lt. Col R. s. Donaldson, that he has labored in that capacity since, but has received no instructions or communications since Col Donaldson removal - Asks if he is entitled to compensation for his services, | 

| Oct 31" 1866. # 319. | Columbia Dist of C. H. Howard General See A 90, & B 87, Vol 2, U [[?]] Vol 7 See C 328 Vol 8, & W 272 Vol 8. See C #128 Vol 9 - E.B. p 64 Vol 2 See C" Rec'd back with report E.b. p 119, Vol 2, | Washington Oct 30" 1866. Requests authority to sell the two - story frame addition to the Orphan's Asylum near Georgetown, on the property of Richard Cox The building was erected in 1864 by order of Q.M.G. and paid from the Contraband fund. | 

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