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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 24th 1866 #379 | Cook G.W. (1 enc) Dec 24th Referred to Asst Comr for N.C. for investigation and report | Norfolk Va Dec 21st 1866 Reports that John Parkes of Newton N.C. refuses to give up the child of a colored woman unless he is paid $150.00 and requests the interference of the Bureau Dec 24th Referred to Asst Comr of A.C. for investigation report|

| Dec 24th 1866 #380 | Columbia Dist of  Saml Thomas Genl See C 60 Vol 9 1867 Dec 26th Forwarded approved. | Washington Dec 22nd 1866  Forwards communication of Lt Col W.M. Beebe Supt &c recommending the admission of James Conroy a refugee from Ga, who claims to have service 14 years in the regular Army, into the Soldiers Home. States his discharge papers from the 3d U.S. Art. are filed in the War Dept. Dec 26th Forwarded approved. |

| Dec 26th 1866 #381. | Cass, Jonathan M.D. | Grand Barriston Mass. Dec 22nd 1866  Desires a contract as Surgeon of this Bureau, in the Department of Washington. | Dec 26th Referred to Surg Edward C.M.O. for remarks Dec 25th Recd back with report E.B. p 188 Vol 2 |

| Dec 26th 1866 #382. | Columbia Dist Of  Saml Thomas Genl E.B. p 187 Vol 2 Jan 14 Recd back with report E.B. p 222 Vol 2 | Washington Dec 24th 1866  Forwards approved letter of Capt Lee, stating that he had on hand 213 Blankets which were turned over to Capt Shields by Maj Hoff, as Q.M. property and requests permission to drop them from Returns of Q.M. Property and take them up on Bureau Stores, that they may be able to issue them to destitute freedpeople. |

| Dec 26th 1886 #383. | Cramer F.L. late Major 1st Ala. Cav. Dec 26th Referred to A.C. of Ala. March 25th Recd back with report E.B. p 121 Vol 3 | Moulton Ala Dec 10th 1866 Asks for information in reference to pay of Hm H. Hyde Agent Bureau R. F & A.L. Winster Co. Ala |

| Dec 27th 1886 #384. E B p 155 Vol 2. | Columbia Dist of Lieut Thomas General Recd back with report & enclosed with L Vol 9 1867 | Forwards letter of O.E. Hines. Asst. Supt. &c who states that Geo Gladden (cold) desires to have restored to him his 3 children who are living with a Mr Powell, 10 miles from Winsboro, S.C. |

| Dec 27th 1866 #385. | Collins Wm A. Dec 27th Referred to Asst Comr of D.C. | Requests to be furnished with colored house servants. Lives at Edgewood Station. |

| Dec 31st 1866 #386 | Columbia Dist of Saml Thomas Genl Jany 3rd Referred to Asst Comr of Va for investigation & report Feb 7th Recd back with report EBp 288 Vol 2 | Forwards to be referred to Agent at Spottsylvania de He Va. letter of Matilda Morton (cold.) dated Dec 28th stating that her daughters Liza Jane Morton (cold.) is with Dr John Williams near Spottsylvania C.H. Va., that she is treated very badly. requests that she be sent to her in Washington. |