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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 16 1866 #199 | Florida J.G. Foster Genl  (6 encl)  file School report to Mr Alvord | Tallahassee Nov 9 1866  Reports relative to the condition of Freedmen Affairs at the close of Oct 1866 encloses reports of his Subordinates also Report of Rev E B Duncan, Supt of Schools and report of Surg Applegate. |

| Nov 16 1866  #200 | Florida  J.G. Foster General (3 enclo) file |  Tallahassee Nov 10 1866  Transmits Report of Rations issued for the month of July Aug and Sept 1866 |

| Nov 15  1866 #201 | Florida  J.G. Foster General  See F198 Vol 8  file  | Tallahassee  Nov 7 1866  Reports relative to murders committed in his Dist in which Freedmen have been victims or parties |

| Oct 26 1866  #202 | Florida J.G. Foster General  file See telegram Nov 22 1866 | Tallahassee  Oct 19 1866  Requests that Genl Townsend be asked to relieve him at once and that he be notified by telegraph.  |

| 1866  #203 | Florida J.G. Foster Genl  file | Tallahassee Oct 21 1866  Acknowledges receipt of private letter of 11 inst.  States that his report is not yet completed, but will endeavor to forward it by Nov 1 1866.  |

| Nov 20 1866  #204 | Florida  J.G. Foster Genl See OO 22. and F 171.223 Vol 8 (1 encl) To Maj Fowler Ueros | Tallahassee Nov 7 1866  Reports receipt of the U.S. Arsenal at Chattahoochie [[Chattahoochee]] Fla. the condition of the property &c.  Recommends that the arsenal be turned over to the State authorities for proper consideration, to be used as a Penitentiary &c provided certain barbarous punishments are abolished &c.  | 

| Nov 1866  #205 | Freedmens Union Comr  C Kennedy Cor Sec (1 encl)  file See S.O. 164 Nov 10th | Nov York Nov 9 1866  Introducing Rev John Bradshaw Agt of the Commission and requesting transportation facilities for him to travel to different points in the South, as an Inspector of schools.  |

| Nov 15 1866 #206 | Friends Freedmen Assoc  Richard Cadbury Sec. file Ansd by P.L.B. vol 3 Nov 10  | Philadelphia Pa Nov 8 1866  Desires the name and address of some person in Texas who would receive and distribute a number of illustrated papers, called "The British Workman."  |

| Nov 21 1866  #207 |  Florida  F.G. Foster Genl (1 encl)  See G 286 Vol 8  file | Tallahassee Nov 15 1866  Acknowledges receipt of containing charges against Capt Leddy  late Agt &c at Fernandina made by one Dr Gifford, Encloses report of Bt Major A.A. Cole, 7 Infty, to whom the letter was referred. |