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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 15" 1866. #331. | Georgia. D. Tillson. General. See A 530 Vol 8. | Savannah. Nov 12" 1866 Requests that 2" Lt. W.W. Deane. 12" U.S. Infty (late A Adjt. Gen'l. Vols) be detailed for duty as A.A.A.G. in the Bureau, and assigned to duty with him. States that the above detail would be for the benefit of the service. Nov 16" Forwarded with the request that this officer may be detailed for duty in this Bureau in state of Ga. |

| Nov 16" 1866. #332. | Georgia. G.L. Eberhart Supt of Ed. | Savannah, Ga. Nov 13" 1866. Requests information how to act on applications of benevolent societies for funds to aid in erecting school buildings, and how much has been set apart for the state of Georgia for that purpose. Nov 16" Referred to Asst Com'r. of Ga. (thro whom this paper should have been forwarded for remarks. |

| Nov 16" 1866 #333. | Georgia. G.L. Eberhart. Supt. of Ed. | Savannah. Nov 15" 1866. Transmits monthly School report for the month of Oct 1866. To. Mr Alvord. |

| Nov 7" 1866. #334. * | Till. Nelson F. See L.B. Oct 20" 1866. file. official copy to Gen'l Wood for investigation and report Nov 8" 1866. Jan 2" Rec'd back with report. filed. | Holly Springs Miss. Oct 31" 1866. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 24" inst. makes statement relative to numerous cases of outrages in his vicinity, of which no notice is taken by the civil authorities. |

[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 19" 1866. #335. | Georgia. G.L. Eberhart. Supt of Ed. | Savannah. Ga. Nov 15" 1866. Desires information, whether freedmen going to Arkansas to locate Homesteads can get transportation, for horses or mules and farming utensils. Nov 20" Returned this communication should have been forwarded through the office of A.C. |

| Nov 19" 1866. #336. * | Gerlack W. late Adjt. 41" N.Y. Vols. See G. 342. Vol. 8. file. Ans. P.L.B. Vol 3 Nov 19." | Washington. Nov 19" 1866. Applies for some position in the Bureau. R.F. & A.L. |

| Nov 20" 1866. #337. | Gill, Nelson G. (1 enclo) See G 2, Vol [[1?]], '67. | Holly Springs Miss Nov 10" 1866. States that J.J. House, assaulted him in the streets two days ago and shot at him three times with a Revolver, and an hour afterwards sent him a note giving him 12 hours to leave the city. The next day the Mayor fined each of the parties $20.00 and $2.40 costs for fighting. Desires to know what to do in the matter, &c. Nov 21" Referred to Asst Com'r. of Miss. for his action. Dec 24" Rec'd. back with report. E.B. p 171. Vol 2. |

| Nov 24" 1866 #338. E.B. p [[106? 156?]] Vol 2. | Georgia. D. Tillson. General. See T 33. Vol 9. 1867. | Savannah Ga. Nov 19" 1866. Forwards through the Com'r. of Bureau R.F. & A.L. comn of Lt. Col. F.A. Gaebel A.S.A.C. reporting that 150 partly tanned hides and about 200 grain sacks at Cuthbert Ga. captured by U.S. forces from the Rebel Army and requests the sacks be distributed to the poor and instructions as to the hides. With recommendation that the property described be turned over to Major Watson A.Q.M. to be sold & the proceeds be appropriated for the education of freedpeople. |

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-14 23:34:07