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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 15 1866. #221. | Henderson W.F. Agent B.R. F. and A. L. Nov. 16 Referred to Asst. Com'r of N.C. for his action. | Lexington N.C. Oct 30th 1866. Reports that great destitution exists in his County and requests authority to issue the Subsistence Stores he has on hand to destitutes, and that further assistance be given. |

| Nov 6 1866. #222 * | Howard O.O. Maj. General Com'r Telegram See V550 and 553. Vol 8. file. See. L.B.A. N.C of Va and Lt Chase Also V550 and 553 Vol 1 1866. | Boston Mass. Nov 5 1866 "Lt. Chase. Warrenton, Va. is reported as having taken "quarters of teachers and allowed breaking up of Schools. "Correct it." |

| Nov 26 1866 #223 | Holmes Jas. B. (1 enclos). Nov 26 Referred to Asst. Com'r of D.C. | North East. Cecil Co. Md. Nov 22nd 1866 Wants a colored woman for houseservant: is northern and radical. If he can be supplied will send funds for expenses. 

| Nov 28 1866 #224 * | Howard NC. Teacher. file. | Fayette. Nov 4th 1866. States he has organized a school at that place (20 scholars) but find it difficulty to continue the same, and pay teachers and rent for school buildings owing to the failure of crops in that section will continue the same if possible. |

| Dec 5 1866 #225 | Holmes James B. (1 enclo's) Dec 5 Referred to Asst. Com'r of D.C. | North East. Md. Desires to procure a colored female servant. |

| Nov 27th 1866. #226 * | Hammonde P. See G 330.343 and 313. Vol 5. file. See. P.L.B. Vol 3. Nov 20. | Jersey City. N.J. Nov. 26th 1866. States that he offers for sale the Steamer Port Royal, now at Savannah Ga. Refers to Genl Tillson. |

| Dec 4 1866 #227 E.B 122. Vol 2. | Hopkins E.T. Mrs. See H 241. & B231 Vol 5. & Age & S 154 Vol 9. E.B. for 123 Vol 2 | Hopkins Turnout S.C. Nov 29" 1866. Asks that the decision in relation to her claim be reconsidered and that on e hald the rent due $12,50.00 be paid her as she is old and infirm and in much need thereof. |

| Dec 5" 1866. #228 | Higgins A.P. Dec 15 Referred to Asst Com'r of Miss for remarks. | Egglet Station Miss Nov 30" 1866. Has planted the past season and desires a position as teacher during the next. States his observations on the character and deficiencies of the negroes &c&c. |

| Dec 1" 1866. #229. E.B. P 138 Vol2. | Howe T.O. | Washington Dec 10" 1866. Requests to know if an application for the reinstatement of Lt. Managhan, late V.R.C. would be entertained. |