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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 6" 1866  #173. * | Louisiana  A. Baird. General.  Telegram.  file. | New Orleans.  Sept 2" 1866.  States that the reports about Cholera in N.O. are untrue in Spirit: Sends Mortuary report by mail "General Sheridan is waiting for a reply to his telegram nominating Gregg." Requests definite order s be sent immediately. "The Commission has terminated its investigation." |

| Sept 10" 1866  #174. | Louisiana.  A Baird General.  Forwards approved. Sept 11" 1866. | New Orleans  Sept 4" 1866.  Forwards approved application of Lieut James A Hudson to be mustered out of service under G.O. 155. A.G.O. 1865. reason declining health. |

| Sept 10" 1866.  #175. | Louisiana.  A. Baird. General.  Forwarded. Sept 12" 1866 approved. | New Orleans  Sept 5" 1866.  Recommends the following named officers for transfer to the regiments of V.R.C. Regular Army. Lt. Col. Martin Flood Bt. Maj. & Capt. James Cromie, Bt. Maj. B.B. Brown, Capt. S.H. Purchase, Capt. Geo F. Schayer, Bt. Capt. & 1" Lt. John H. Brough, Bt. Capt. & 1" Lt. F.A. Osborn, 1" Lieut. Frank R Chase and  1" Lieut James Hough. |

| Sept 10" 1866.  #176. | Louisiana.  A Baird. General.  Referred to Maj. Fowler. Sept 12" 1866. | New Orleans. Sept 4" 1866.  In compliance with instruction from Genl. Howard, reports in regard to public lands in that state. |

| Sept 11" 1866  #177. * | Louisiana.  A. Baird. General.  file | New Orleans  Sept 6" 1866.  Encloses copy of the mortuary report taken from the morning paper, showing the small number of deaths from Cholera in comparison with the exaggerated reports in circulation. Has employed physicians in accordance with permission given him, and will watch and do all he can. |

| Sept 12" 1866  #178 | Lowrie James.  late Lt. 8" U.S.C.T.  See T 210 Vol 5 1866  Referred to Asst. Comr. of Texas inviting attention to endorsement on previous papers in this case. Sept 3" 1866. | West Chester Pa.  Sept 10" 1866.  Requests that he be appointed in the Bureau, in accordance with Genl. Kiddoos request to whom he sent his papers, by directions of Gen'l. Howard. |

| Sept 12" 1866  #179 | Lee G.P.  Bt. Lt. Col.  (4 enclos)  Forwarded Sept 17" 1866. | Alexandria Va.  Sept 11" 1866.  Forwards recommended application of Capt. Sidney B. Smith for an appointment in one of the four Regts of V.R.C. Regular Army. calls attention to Military History on file in War Dept |

| Sept 12" 1866.  #180. | Lunt D.D.  Referred to Asst. Comr. of Texas Sept 14" 1866. | Springfield Mass.  Sept 10" 1866.  Offers his services as a "Citizen Agent" for Texas, served 2 years in Dept of the Gulf as Adjt. 14" N.Y. Cav. |