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[[3-column table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 2" 1866. #443 Oct. 4 Resp. ret'd. inviting attention to Sec. 3. New Bureau Law (copy enclosed) | McCutchen John H (4 enclos) | Washington Oct 1" 1866 Submits claim of Lieut. Jas. B. Simmons for pay as Lieut, while in charge of the Freedmen's Bureau Orangeburg S.C. "for such recommendation or order" as the facts of the case may "warrant." |

| Oct 3. 1866 444 * Oct 5" 66. Enclosure forwarded approved file. | Mann J.C. Bvt. Maj. & A.Q.M. See A 478 Vol 8 & M 480 Vol 8. | Northborough Mass Oct 1. 1866 Encloses an application to the Adjt Gen'l USA for permission to return to Wilmington N.C. to complete his Q.M. Reports |

| Oct 3. 1866 445 EB page 38 | Mississippi Joseph Warren Sup't Education | Vicksburg Miss Sept 27" 1866 Encloses his account for expenses incurred while travelling from Vicksburg to Washington & back, under orders from the Com'r. States that Gen'ls Wood and Whittlesey disapproved of the item charged for extra subsistence, and both think the account should be paid at Washington. |

| Oct. 5th 1866 #446. *. | Missouri & Arkansas. J. W. Sprague A.C. "Telegram" file | Little Rock Ark Oct 4' 66. Telegram. "Your dispatch received. I cannot accept the Lieut Colonelcy, and must ask to be relieved." |

| Oct 5' 1866 #447. * | Mississippi Thos. J Wood A.C. file | Vicksburg Sept 27 Forwards a newspaper slip containing an account of the conviction of Saml W Winter for manslaughter. The victim being a colored man. |

| Oct 5th 1866 #448. Oct 8" 66 Referred to Genl. Kiddoo A.C. of Texas for report. Nov 3" Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 67. Vol 2. | Miller Fred Ed | Industry. Texas Sept. 12th 66 Gives statement of his services as Sub Agent of the Bureau at Columbus Texas under Genl. Gregory, laboring several months without pay and of the refusal of Genl Kiddoo to accept or acknowledge his services, &c. |

| Oct 5" 1866 #449. | Maryland E. M. Gregory A.C. Oct 5 Respectfully forwarded approved (Sd) O. O. Howard | Baltimore Md. Oct 4th 1866. Requests that Capt. R. Chandler who has recently received new appointment in  the 13th U.S. Infty may be detailed and retained on duty as Actg. Asst. Adjt. Genl. at that office. |

| Oct 8" 1866. #450 *. | McWharton. J. Agt. B.R.F.& A.L. file. | Bairdstown Ga. Sept. 24" 1866. Reports that everything connected with the Bureau is working smoothly in that county. States that a large number of aged and helpless freedpeople who will suffer much this winter unless Gov't aid is afforded them. Suggests that a Hospital for the old and infirm & dependent, &c. |

| Oct 9' 1866, #451 *. | Maryland, Mr Jordan Lieberman. file Maryland | Annapolis. Md. Oct 3" 1866. States that all they have in the way of legislation in the Abolition of slavery, is the one Act of 1865, repealing certain sections of one before referred to. The Ordinance of Abolition &c consisted in the 24" Article of the "Declaration of Rights" Page 16 Constitution of 1864. Requests that communications be sent direct to his office if, anything further is wanted. |

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