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| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 9" 1866 #488 * | Mississippi T.J. Wood General | Vicksburg Nov 1" 1866 States that the statement made in his September report in regard to matters in the Brookhaven Dist. that there had been an attempt made to sell a Freedman is incorrect. Gives a history of the transaction showing that a freedwoman had been arrested and fined for misdemeanor and being unable to pay the and costs was sold to the who would take her for the shortest terms and pay her indebtness and under this arrangement she was sold for 3 months. file with Supt. report. |

| Nov 9" 1866 #489 * | Missouri & Ark. E.O.C. Ord. General See M.482 & T.274 Vol 8. | Detroit Mich Nov 1866 States his reasons for asking for the order on the subject of Gov't Assessors holding cotton &c was that his instructions can be supported by assessors of the Int. Rev. in parts of Ark. where he cannot keep forces to carry out orders of his Supt &c. States that there is a better feeling prevailing in the rich cotton Counties than he expected notwithstanding the report of Genl Sprague. Asks if he can use six or eight thousand dollars building School Houses. - States that Col. Skinner A.Q.M. wishes to be mustered out and recommends that Bt. Col H. Page Capt A.Q.M. be detailed to fill his place. Also recommends that Medical Officers of the Regular Army on duty with troops be also required to attend on the Freedmen &c. Letter enclosed asking that the Comr of Int. Rev. be requested to instruct his assessors to prevent removal of cotton until the freedmen are paid. |

| Nov 10" 1866 490 * | Maryland E.M. Gregory Gen'l | Baltimore Md Nov 9" 1866 Reports number of murders committed by or on freedmen in his Dist since the adoption of the New Constitution of Md. |

| Nov 10" 1866 #491 | Maryland E.M. Gregory Gen'l (11 enclos.) file | Baltimore Md. Nov 9" 1866 Transmits Report of operation of the Bureau up to Nov 1" 1866 with accompanying report of Officers: also Monthly reports of Refugees Freedmen Lands: Schools and Changes in Officers for the month of Oct 1866. |

| Nov 12" 1866 #492 * | Myers Leonard M.C. 3d Dist of Pa. (1 encls) See M.425 Vol 8 1866 filed. | Philadelphia Pa Nov. 10 1866 States that some months ago at his request the Com'r forwarded to the Agent of the Bureau in Washington, a description of some 80 acres of land in Magnolia East, Fla. formerly owned by Mr. Baterback and now the property of this friend Mr. A.T. Eggleston. Has not heard from the Com'r since and is anxious to prevent the sale of the land for taxes; requests that this letter be sent to the officer of the Bureau in Fla. with request for an earley reply. |

| Nov 12" 1866 #493 | Maryland E.M. Gregory General. To Mr. Alvord | Baltimore Nov 10" 1866 Forwards report of School for the month of October 1866 |

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Transcription Notes:
3-13-2022: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review