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[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 15" 1866 #191 | North Carolina. J.C. Robinson General | Raleigh Sept 13" 1866 Forwards letter of Lt Col Allen Rutherford Sup't reports that the "County Courts" are taking colored children away from their parents and bind them as apprentices to their former masters. E.B. page 17 Vol 2. |

| Sept 19" 1866 #192 | North Carolina N. Goffpe General (3 enclos) | Raleigh Sept 17" 1866 Forwards papers in case of Jacob and Monemia McCoy (colored) with affidavit of each, that their children (twins, girls, and connected together) were removed from them by force and fraud, and are now supposed to be on exhibition in Barnum's Museum New York City E.B. page 18. Vol 2. |

| Sept 24" 1866 #193 | North Carolina N. Goffk General | Raleigh N.C. Sept 20" 1866 Forwards for instructions comn. of F A Fisher Supt &c. who wishes to know if the Bureau will furnish dwelling houses free of rent for teachers of Freedmen Schools in N.C. E.B. page 27 Vol 2. | 

| Sept 25" 1866 #194 * | North Carolina N. Goff. General. | Raleigh Sept 22" 1866 Requests 50 copies Blank state Supts. School Reports. Referred to Mr. J.W. Alvord Sept 26" 1866 Reports forwarded by Mr Alvord Sept 27" 1866. file |

| Oct 3 1866 194 1/2 | Niles Jonathan | White Creek N.Y. Sept 28/66 Desires to obtain a colored servant Oct 4 Refd. to A.C. of D.C. |

| Oct 2" 1866 #195 | North Carolina J.B. Bomford Col. | Raleigh Sept 20" 1866 Forwards request of Lieut T.D. McAlphine A.S. Raleigh dated Sept 20" for a Cavalry guard of one non comn. officer and four privates to accompany Rev Jas. Curry (colored) to Pleasant Springs about 14 miles from Raleigh and to protect him while preaching there as his life has been threatened if he or any other colored person attempted to preach Recommends that threats of this kind be met to prevent disastrous results. Forwards approved by Col Brady Supt. Raleigh and returned by Bt. Lt. Col G Hamilton Comd'g Post with remark that should the civil authorities refuse to prevent violence he would send troops: that a mere report would not justify him in ignoring the civil authorities. Reforwarded Sept 22"/66 by Col Brady "If the Bureau officers cannot be sustained by troops when required, they had better be relieved from duty" Returned by order of Bvt. Brig Genl N. Goff. Jr. the action of Col Hamilton approved: Again reforwarded by Lt. McAlphine appealing from the decision of the Act. Asst. Com'r and for final decision as to whether it is optional with a Dist on Post Comdr. to honor the requisition of Bureau officers for troops. |

| Oct 2" 1866 #196 | North Carolina J.B. Bomford Col. | Raleigh Sept 30" 1866 Forwards "approved" comn. of Bt. Major H Cassides tendering his resignation as Capt 14" V.R.C. on account of his family and aged mother who requires his personal protection. Forwarded approved Oct 2" 1866 |

| Oct 8" 1866 #197 * | North Carolina J.V. Bomford Col. | Raleigh Oct 5" 1866 Fords. comn. of Capt. J Hodge A.S. recommending the issue of rations to the dependent Freedmen of Cumberland Co to prevent starvation, calls attention to letter of W. S. Ronde of the Bol of Wd. of the Pon. of Cumb. Co states that it is impossible for the Co. authorities to provide for poor colored people. The rules suspending the issue of rations could not be departed from, since which time it is reports some modifications to the order have been made by the Com'r of these states and requests information. file. see P.L.O. Oct 9" 1866. |