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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept. 17th 1866. #114. * | Rucker D.H. Bt. Maj. General. | Washington Sept. 15th 1866. Returns requisitions sent from this Bureau "calling for transportation for Mr. Chas A. Harris and Mrs. Marth Harris from Washington to New Orleans, via Detroit Mich" States that orders from Q.M.G.O. require that transportation shall be given by the most direct route. &c. file Copy furnished Mrs. Harris Sept 13th 1866. |

| Sept 27th 1866. #115. | Roberts R.W. Lieut V.R.C. See R 106, 111, 113. Vol 8 1866. (1 enclo). Forwarded Sept 28th 1866. | Louisville Ky. Sept 22nd 1866. Transmits a letter of recommendation from Col John Mansfield V.R.C. for a position on one of the four Ret't of V.R.C. Regular Army. |  

| Oct 4, 1866. #116. | Roth Jacob 2d. Lt. and Sup't. | Office Supt B.R.F. & A.L. Louisa CH Va Oct 3, 1866. Forwards petition of Peter Howchear & others (cold) concerning a will for their benefit made by [[Abrno Hoarcheas?]] (deceased) dated Nov 22/49 and nullified by the Court of Louisa Co. Ap'l 20/1864, the petition to be ford. to the U.S. Com'r under the "Civil Rights Bill" for a final decision. (2 enc) Oct 4th 1866. Referred toGen'l Schofield for such action as he may deem necessary and in accordance with law. |

| Oct 16th 1866 #117 | Rucker D.J. Asst. Qr. Mr. General. (3 enclo) See A 458. Vol. 8. | Washington Oct 16th 66. Acknowldg's receipt of reference of letter to Mr. E.C. Esters relating to the missing case of clothing shipped thru Q.M. Dept to Surg. Applegate Magnolia. Fla. Encloses report of Gen'l Van V lait Q.M. at N.Y. city & copy of landing showing that the clothing was shipped by him pr Steamer, Alabama, July 23rd and delivered to Col. E.B. Carling. A.Q.M. at Saramiah Ga. to whom it was consigned Returns let5ter of Mr. Esters. Oct 18" 1866. Referred to E.C. Esters. Sec of A.F. & U.C. with all papers in the is case for his information. | 

| Oct 20th 1866. #118 * | Ross A.W. and Henry Mayson. Comr. (1 enclo) file. See P.L.B. Vol 3 Oct 22" 1866. | Vicksburg Miss. Oct 6th 1866. Requests information concerning Homestead Lands. Have applied to Gen'l Wood and to Mr. Austin Morgan and they cannot furnish any information. |

| 1866 #119 * | Rawles Thos. J.M.D. file. | Columbia S.C. Sept 4th 1866. Requests an explanation of the endorsement (quoted within) which was received by him upon a letter sent to Genl Strong at Washington D.C. &c. |

| Nov 3rd 1866 #120 * | Ross Lucy (colored) | Wilmington N.C. Oct. 21" 1866. States that her two daughters 16 & 12 years old, were taken away from her and bound to their former masters Mr. Dan'l C. Russell of Robertson. C.N.C: that she is able to support them and they are capable of earning their own living & Desires their restoration. Nov 3' Referred to Asst. Com'r of N.C. for investigation and report. Nov 5th Rec'd back with report. E.B. p 76 Vol 2. Dec 28th Rec'd bk uncalled for. file. |

| Oct 20th 1866 #121 * | Raum Green B. file. Ans'd by P.L.B. Vol 3. | Harrisburg Ill. Oct 17th 1866. Requests information in regard to the number of rations to whites and Blacks respectively: and amount per month is being expended by the Gov't in educating the Blacks. |