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[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| Nov 22nd 1866 #293 * | Townsend E.G. Supt. "Kendall Green" Comd. of 20nd inst was a private note | Washington Nov 20th 1866. Acknowledges receipt of communication of 20nd inst relative to complaints from Kendall Green &c. States that until now he has been ignorant of any complaints except those of the Inspecting Officer. Makes explanation of his action in the case of Patsy Scott's sister &c. Nov 22nd Referred to Mrs Draper for her information filed (never called for it) |

| Nov 24th 1866. #294 | Tutwilder, Thos. H. Atty &c. (2 enclo) | Palmyra Fluvanna Co. Va. Nov 22nd 1866. Suggesting that the appointment of an atorney in the Counties Albermarle, Louisa, Goochland and Fluvanna Va to attend to the interests of the Freedmen. Nov 26th Referred to Asst Com'r for Va. for remarks. Dec 26th Recd back with report E.B. p 178 Vol 2 |

| Nov 24th 1866 #295 | Tennessee J.R. Lewis General (2 enclo) | Nashville Nov 19th 1866. Forwards communication of Bt. Lt. Col. M.H. Church Ch. Supt. &c stating that the Memphis & Charleston R.R. Co. refuse to transport 91 Freedmen under of Genl Howard's unless the difference between their rates and those of the Gov't be paid in cash there, the difference being $277 55/00 With remark 
The fact that these freedmen were detained at Chattanooga, the Qr. Mr. was ordered to pay the extra fare demanded (copy of order enclosed) & amount forwarded to Col Church to pay the same under protest, if in no other way, the freedmen could be forwarded to their destinations. The M&C R.R. Co is the only one that has such demand. Requests instructions and the approval of the enclosed order. Nov 26th Referred to Gen'l Whittlesey C.Q.M. for remarks. |

| Nov 24th 1866 #296 | Tennessee J.R. Lewis Gen'l See A493 W 280 Vol 8. | Nashville Nov 21st 1866 Requests that the order directing Bt. Lt. Col. T.S. Williams Capt 19th Infty to rejoin his regiment in Ark. be reworked, as his services are useful in Tenn. E.B. p.106 Vol 2 |

| Nov 24th 1866. #297. * | Tyler G.C. Tapp J.J. } Com't See T. 258 Vol 8 & L.B. Nov 27th 1866 & T.321 Vol 8 file | Onancock Accomack Va. Nov 22. 1866 States that one month before, they called at Bureau Hd Qrs at Washington to obtain aid in regard to this church affairs in the Eastern Shorts of Va. Genl. Howard being absent they left a letter for him with explanations of their business with Genl Thomas. They respectfully call Genl Howard's attention again to the matter requesting that he will inform them what he can do in their behalf. |

| Nov 23rd 1866 #298. | Thompson Asa W. (1 enclos) | Cancy P.O. Matagorda Co. Texas Nov 15th 1866. Requests to be informed at what rates the Bureau will transport 60 able bodied field hands from Ala. La. or Ga. via Indianola at Matagorda by Jany 1st 1867 and what wages he will be expected to pay them. E.B. p. 102 Vol 2 |

| Nov 21st 1866. #299. * | Tennessee Surg A.C. Swartzwelder C.M.O. file Ans'd Nov 22nd 1866 | Nashville Nov 17th 1866. Recommends that Bt. Brig. Genl. J.R. Lewis Asst Com'r &c be assigned to duty according to his Brevet rank. |