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[[3 Columned Table]]

| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 25 1866 #494 | Virginia J.M. Schofield General V.493 enclosed herewith E.B. Vol2. p.33 | Richmond Sept 24' 1866 Submits Reports of a Board to "investigate the case of Agnes Peters (colored)" Fully concurs in the opinion of the Board. Inquires whether it is the duty of the Bureau to re-hear and decide upon cases that may have occurred betweens negroes, o between whites and negroes previous to the War. |

| Sept 21" 1866 #495 * | Virginia O. Brown General Telegram file. | Richmond Sept 20" 1866 "No Circus here. One expected early in Oct. which is in Baltimore. |

| Sept 26" 1866 #496 | Virginia J.M. Schofield General Forwarded Sept 27" 1866 | Richmond Sept 25" 1866 Forwards application of Lieut D.G. Connelly V.R.C. for an appointment in one of the four Reg'ts of V.R.C. Regular Army |

| Sept 26" 1866 #497 * | Virginia O. Brown General | Richmond Sept 25" 1866 States the proportion of freedmen now being subsisted by Gov't are living in towns other than those in which they resided previous to the war, and as each town or county should provide for its own poor desires to know what is to be done with those who the authorities claim have not acquired a residence &c. Thinks that many Refugees and Freedmen will suffer for want of food if Circular #10 is carried out and asks for instructions. file. See. L.B. Sept 28" 1866 to Genl Schofield. |

| Sept 26" 1866 #498 * | Valentine J.K. Asst U.S. Atty & Dist. Pa. See R112 Vol8 1866 & E56 Vol8. & J2 Vol9 file with E.56 Vol8. | Philadelphia Pa Sept 25" 1866 Acknowledges receipt of letter of 12" inst to Messrs Randolph and Jenks relative to bales of cotton in their possession. States that Genl Fisk authorized them to sell the cotton and remit proceeds to the Asst Comr at Nashville Tenn. The cotton was seized under writ of replevin from Sup. Court of Pa. in favor of T.G. Stewart and subsequently released and sold by Messrs Randolph and Jenks : they holding the proceeds to await the result of the suit; having given bonds in the sum of $1500.00 |

| Sept 27" 1866 #499 * | Virginia O. Brown General (1 enclo) file. | Richmond Va. Sept 26" 1866 Forwards comn. of Bt. Col. G.B. Carse Asst. Supt. who makes a statement in relation to the house he resides and has his office. states the owner wishes to eject him &c. Enclosing affidavits relating to same also regarding the feeling of the people towards the Bureau. With endorsement "that Gen Schofield being absent, no Military Officer can be found, willing to assume the responsibilities of ordering the within named building to be retained. The question appears to be whether now (in time of peace) the Military has the power to stay the execution of a civil process, object of the citizens of Lexington is to get rid of having the Bureau represented in their town. A writ of ejectment will be executed unless the Military power interferes. |

| Sept 27" 1866 #500 * | Virginia O. Brown General file. | Richmond Sept 26" 1866 In reply to letter of 24" inst states the records of that office show 18 cases of murder of freedmen in that Dist since Sept 1865. |

Transcription Notes:
3-21-2022: Entry #498 - "replevin" is a action or a writ issued to recover an item of personal property wrongfully taken; Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review