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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Dec 6th 1866 #574. | Virginia R. M. Manley. To Mr. Alvord. | Richmond Dec 5th 1866. Transmits Monthly report of schools for the month of October 1866. |

| Dec 10th 1866 #575 *. | Virginia J. M. Schofield Gen'l. (2 enclo) See V. 576. 577. 578. file with V 588. Vol 8 '66. | Richmond Dec 8th 1866. Forwards statement of facts in regard to the killing of one Medley (col'd) by Dr Watson, which may come before the President. As the Dr had been discharged by civil court, proposes to try him by Military Commission. Has arrested & placed the Dr. under bonds. |

| Dec 10th 1866 #576. * | Virginia. J. M. Schofield. General. See. V 575. 577. file. with V 588. Vol 8. '66. | Richmond Dec 1st 1866 Furnishes copy of letter from his Hd Qur's to Lieut. W. A. Cameron. 5th Art. directing from to arrest Dr. James L Watson of Rockbridge. Co. Va charged with murder. |

| Dec 13th 1866. #577. | Virginia J. M. Schofield. General. Dec 15. Richmond to A.C. of Va and authority granted to employ a short hand reporter as requested if he can procure one in Richmond. | Richmond Dec 12th 1866 Asks that a short-hand reporter be employed to take down the proceedings of the "Watson" trial which will probably commence 19th inst. | 

| Dec 13th 1866. #578. * | Virginia J. M. Schofield General. (2 enclos.) E.B. p 143. Vol 2 Recd back file herewith T. 322 Vol 8. & V 584 591. T. 322 & V 584. & V 591. | Richmond Dec 12th 1866. Forwards reports of Inspection of Taylor Farm, by Capt's G Mallory & Wm P. Austin. Thinks the best interests of the Freedpeople would be served remaining there, but as might make disturbances among the sympathizers asks for instructions. |

| Dec 13th 1866 #579 | Virginia. J. M. Schofield, General. Decr 13th Transmitted to A.C. of D.C. | Richmond Dec 11" 1866. Forwards to Asst. Com'r of D.C. letter of Col. Ira Ayer Supt &c requesting information and restoration to their parents Louis Primus. (col'd) 14 years if age & Aaron Lawney who are at Freedmen's Village Va. | 

| Dec 14th #580 EB p 151. Vol. 2 | Virginia J. M. Schofield, Genl. (1 enclo) | Richmond Dec 13th 1866. Forwards comns of Bt. Lt. Col. T. G. Whytal making statement in relation to 20 buildings on the farm of Baker P. Lee (which farm has been restored) and requests authority to sell the same at public auction With request that the authority may be granted. |

| Dec 15th 1866. #581 E.B. p 145 Vol 2. | Virginia. J. M. Schofield. General. | Richmond Dec 14th 1866. Forwards approved request of Capt Geo Q. White. C.Q.M. for authority to sell at public auction One Barrack Building at Navy Hill & Two Hospt. Building at Howards Grove Camp, both Near Richmond formerly confederate property & not required by the Bureau. |

Transcription Notes:
E.B. = Endorsement Book P = page (in endorsement book)