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| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |

| --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 5 1866 #250 | Warding W.E. U.S. Tax Comr. for S.C. | Beaufort S.C. Oct 5" 1866 Inquires if the Freedmen's Bureau give transportation or subsistence to Teachers; and requests transportation for Mrs Anna Skilton and daughter and Mr R.H. Gladding and Mrs E.W. Gladding from New York to Beaufort S.C. they having been appointed teachers of Freedmen. Oct 13" 1866 Referred to Mr. Alvord who will please reply. Rec'd back and filed Oct 31/74 W.E.V - Error : Dec W2/66 Ed. Dept. |

| Oct 10" 1866 #251 * | Walker R.H. late Surgn. in charge Mil. Prison (1 enclo) See S529 Vol 8 | Nashville Tenn Oct 1866 Complains of the action of Surgn. Swartzwelder in engaging the service of ex-rebel and copperhead Surgeons during the prevalence of the cholera in that city ignoring the claims of Federal Surgeons who had served in the army through the War. Oct 10" Referred the C.M.O. of Bu. R.F. &c to Surg Swartzwelder for immediate report Nov 16" Recd back with report. file. See PL.B. Nov 16" to Dr. Walker |

| Sept 29" 1866 #252 * | War Department E.M. Stanton Sec of War See P.187 Vol 8. file. | Washington Sept 28 1866 Returns letter of General O O Howard who having received copy of Gov. Pattons letter to the President "soliciting a suspension of Circular #10 Bureau R.F. & A.L. and representing great suffering &c in Ala." and having received recommendations from Genl Swayne. Recommends that special relief be furnished not to exceed $40,000 per month for 3 months. Endorsed Sec Stanton the order of Aug 23" stopping the issue of supplies is modified so as to allow the issue of Corn and Bacon as requested by Gov. Patton from the time mentioned. |

| Oct 5" 1866 #253 * | West Virginia G.A. Hall Sec of State file ans. P.L.B. Vol 3 1866 | Wheeling W. Va. Oct 2" 1866 Acknowledges receipt of letter of 26" ult to the Gov. "requesting copies of ordinances &c relative to Freedmen" transmits a copy of the State Constitution. States that the Statute laws are out of print. |

| Oct 12" 1866 #254 | Williams A.F. Agent &c (2 enclos) Previous papers mentioned referred to Col Balloch not returned. | Farmington Ct. Oct 5" 1866 States that he forwarded his bill for exspences from date of his Commission to the 1" inst and it was returned for informality; Requests instructions how to present it and how? and when? Encloses Circular and form of agreement. |

| Oct 15" 1866 #255 * | Wagner Theodore (1 enclo) file see PLB Vol 3. Oct 16 1866 | Little Rock Oct 14" 1866 Requests position as clerk in this Bureau |

| Oct 27" 1866 #256 | Washington Dept of E.R.S. Canby General | Washington Oct 17" 1866 States that the 107" U.S.C.T. is about to be mustered out and is now furnishing details for guarding Bureau property. Asks if the necessity for military protection of the various establishments has not ceased as guards cannot be furnished. Oct 18" Referred to Asst Comr of D.C. for remarks E.B. p.53 Vol 2. |

| Oct 19" 1866 #257 | Wood Chas. P. Dr. Oct 19" Referred to A.C. of D.C. | Manchester N.H. Oct 17" 1866 Desires to obtain a colored servant. |

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Transcription Notes:
3-19-2022: Transcribed per guidelines (spelling errors transcribed as is) and marking for review