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of that length.
When I received, at Nashville, the order to report here my wife and other warm personal friends protested against my obeying it, totally unacclimated as I am, and urged me to resign rather, if I could not get it revoked. 
But I told them that such a course would be highly dishonorable and cowardly; that I had nothing to do but obey _ that "unto God the Lord belong the issues from death." Just as soon, therefore, as I dropped a tear over the mortal remains of my darling child (whose sickness I informed you of) I set out for this city; groaning as I find it, with its periodical and deadly plagues.
I have no right to criticize or even surmise the reason for my muster out, but if it be economy, I think I can say without boasting that my attention in my present position would save to the Government any pay more than once told. In proof of this I beg leave to enclose a communication from Dr. Mackay, the Surgeon in Charge of the Bureau Hospital at this Post. It will give you some idea of the manner in which I propose to manage the Med. Dept. of this District; and I