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HENRY STEVENS, Treasurer of the Poor's Fund,
NOEL ACKINSON,} Finance Committee,
JAMES PIEROS, Collector,
SAMUEL J. HOWARD, President,
ASA FRANCIS, Church Clerk.

Lord, what a change within us one short hour
Spent in Thy presence will prevail to make,-
What heavy burdens from our bosoms take,-
What parched grounds refresh as with a shower
We kneel, and all around us seems to lower;
We rise, and all, the distant and the near,
Stand forth is sunny outline, brave and clear.
We kneel, how weak! we rise, how full of power!
Why, therefore, should we do ourselves this wrong,
Or others, that we are not always strong-
That we are ever overborne with care,-
That we should ever weak or heartless be,
Anxious or troubled,- when with us is prayer,
And joy and strength and courage are with Thee!

Wednesday September 4, 1867.
Rev. WILLIAM H. DECKER,  Editor, 

This is the very assurance that our heart wants, as we think of ourselves, and survey the duties and trials of the christian life; and we cannot too confidently rely on the promise and the accomplishment of it, for it comes from a source that it cannot fail.
But we may not always meet the fulfillment in the manner we have laid out in which it is to be done, [[?]] that patiently wait, shall see it fulfilled in due time.
Let us remember then, what the duty of the creature is as long as we are sojourning in the wilderness of sin, to the land of promise. We may not be exempt from complaining sometimes when we grow faint, but we will be strengthened in the faith. So we shall no [[?]], but we will get stronger in our work of grace. This will secure us in all things pertaining to the promises of God, I [[?]] strength in weakness.
This impartation of strength, will also be seasonable and proportional to the exigencies of our condition, [[?]] the days so shall they strength be, "what are we to expect in the time of our [[conflicts?]] only grace to overcome all our [[?]] apostle said, "Grace to help in the time of need." It does not follow that [[?]] in the prospect, may be [[?]] We may have our fears [[?]] of not being able to overcome, but the [[?]] may be peace, death may cometimes present a gloomy thought, but faith shall triumph over death, and in the language of the great apostle, death shall be swallowed up in victory.
May everyone that bears the cross, on strength, for in death shall reap if we faint not.

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ard and weekly review, from the incorporators of Zion Church, New York city. Thus, dear brethren, I have taken this method to call your attention to the necessity of making every effort to meet the proposed arrangement of September next.
Sampson Talbot,
Supt. First Episcopal District of the A.M.E. Zion Connection in America.
Washington City, D.C., July 18th, 1867.

of the A.M.E. Zion churches in the 3d episcopal district, including the Baltimore and Alleghany conference districts.
Dear Brethren your attention have been invited and you informed sometime since, of the necessity of making earnest and united efforts for the purpose of collecting the money to purchase the Zion's Standard and Weekly Review.
I write Dear Brethren to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance.
Pastors do your duty and the amount will no doubt be raised. 
Wm. H. Bishop.
Superintendent of the 3d Episcopal District.
August 21st, at home, No 12 Webster street Newark city, N.J.

Washington, D.C. Items.
The many visitors to this city, must be impressed with the great increase of converts to the Church of God, during the past year; in every Denomination here, many accession have been made, and still the good work goes on; this feeling seems not to have been brought about by the excitement sometimes attending revivals, but the awakening of souls, seems to go from house to house; we had the pleasure of attending Love Feast at on of the churches last week, and was much surprised to see the many young converts recently attached to the church, each seeming to realized the importance of "growth in grace" and are determined to lift their voices in telling of the good word of the Lord. Old men and matrons, who first found Christ precious to their souls [[?]] all is churches, but some in the [[C?]] Plantations of the South, [[?]] desire to return again in to the [[?]] We looked upon the assembly [[?]] impress with the believe that [[?]] are they, that started amidst great tribulations and if they have continued some [[?]] more years, bringing a good port we shall ever continue until we reach that happy land, where parting shall be no more.
Camp Meeting
is now being held under the auspices of the A.M.E. Zion Churches of the city, [[?]] Springs, where we had the [[?]] meeting at this gathering, our old friend, Rev. S.T. Jones, Editor of the Southern Department of Zion's [[?]] and weekly Review. We have found him  (as he always is) hard at work, [[?oring]] for the good of souls; although much fatigues and careworn, yet as energetic as ever. Rev. R.H. Dyson, J.P. Hamer, and [[?]] are here; doing a good work in the [[?]]
Rev. Tompeine
Missionary of the Baltimore Conference District is still in the field he will [[?]] be remembered by many. This gentle[[?]] to this city, and comments [[?]] almost alone; he may [[?]]be [[?]] the Father of Zion in this city, although opposition has [[?]] him on all sides [[?]] God has prospered him and the Churches

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many of them will ascend in the resurrection morning, with those who in life were united to preaching palaces. Davy.

From Rossville.
Rossville, S.I., Aug., 25th, 1867. 
Mr. Editor: -
The Sabbath School attached to the A.M.E. Zion church at Rossville, held their Festival on the 14th inst., although the weather was rather unfavorable. The result was, eighty-two dollars cleared. We were highly gratified with an interesting address by the Rev. Wm. H. Decker, on the importance o f truthfulness and obedience. Rev. R.H. Golden also delivered a short address on the same subject. Yours with respect, E.V. Smith.

From Elmira.
Elmira, August 21st, 1867. 
Mr. Editor: -

Transcription Notes:
column numbers noted to help transcribers