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Sixth Sub District

Madison, Tensas, Concordia and Carrol Parishes

Parish of Concordia Agent is steadily employed in the adjustment of cases of complaints and particularly against planters whose crops are failing - being destroyed by worm &c., and are taking advantage by discharging freedmen for every trivial offence. 

Complaint was made by freedmen against Messrs Thos & Wm Carroll planters for non-payment of wages and Messrs Carroll informed informed the Agent that they were unable to pay their hands as Commission Merchants refused to furnish supplies on advances, but were willing to make some amicable settlement.
A Mr W.H. Abbott was shot on the 10" inst. (by a freedman named Dan Fisher.) and died soon after. It is alleged that the freedman had stolen a pair of oars from Mr. Abbott and while the latter was trying to obtain the same from Fisher was shot. Fisher states that Mr. Abbott had struck him and that his pistol which he held in his hand, while trying to defend himself went off. Case being investigated by Civil Authorities.