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A Mr. Fil also complains of his inability to settle with his laborers on account of his Commission Merchant refusing to advance only supplies.
Quite a number of Freedmen are sick with Chills and Fever and Cholera on several plantation's on this Parish.
Educational Department improving to a perceivable extent. Freedmen learn rapidly - but soon become delinquent.
Parish of Carroll - Agent of this Parish reports that White or colored can receive no justice from present Civil Authorities and that from No. of outrages and murders it is undoubtedly necessary to remove a majority of the Civil Officers. 
Army norm has made its appearance - a few cases of Cholera and Chills and Fever reported among Freedmen & c.
Madison Parish- Freedmen are working well and generally contented - and no cases of complaints reported by Agent - Cholera has made its appearance among the Freedpeople.
Texas Parish, Good feeling exists between planters and freedmen, but much quarrelling among themselves - One planter violated his contract - another advised the