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Freedman here can be excused, if his child is not found every day, when school is taught, in a pleasant Schoolroom, with suitable conveniences for gaining a thorough education.

[The Schools here are practically free. It is true, that the teachers under direction of the different Associations, employing them, make a charge of twenty-five cents per month upon each deemed able to meet the contingent expenses of the Schools. Few pay it, however, because it is not especially insisted upon; and none are required to pay it, who represent themselves as being too poor, to do so. In this correction, it is but doing the Freedmen justice, for me to state, that for the most part, they are in very poor and humble circumstances. They are for the most part, struggling earnestly against the penury that pinches them.  In evidence of this, I take pleasure, in reporting, that I find in this city, among them, 
Eight Blacksmith Shops, with seventeen colored workmen in them, three Cabinet Shops, with four colored workmen in them, three Carpenter Shops, and sixty colored men at work, in that trade, ten shoe shops, with twenty-five colored workmen in them, one leading establishment of bricklayers and plasterers, and about fifty colored workmen in that trade, and five stone masons, three colored men doing business as bakers, upon their own account, and ten small shop-keepers, in no one of whose shops is whiskey sold, except one. But, in this part of North Carolina, as elsewhere in the State, the Freedmen are mainly engaged as farmers and laborers by the day or month. Nor are the Freedmen in this City wanting in determination to elevate themselves morally. As evidence of this, I adduce the fact, that they have already organized among themselves and have in working order one large female Society, known as the "Ladies Relief Association," the object of which is to relieve the wants of destitute colored women, and if possible save their chastity- one literary association, composed of young men and