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known as the "True Americans," one association composed of females, and known as the good "Samaritans," a large society composed of Men, and known as the "Benevolent Association."  Nor would I omit to mention here the fact, that they have established among them a newspaper entitled "The Republican" edited by John E. Williams and published by F.S. Pierson Jr, both being colored young men of fine promise, I only wish now that I could report that no tobacco, chewing and whiskey drinking is found among the Freedmen here. This, however, I can not do. But it is true, that, for the most part, they are sober, well behaved, and industrious.

I may close this by saying, that I find here no other sentiment but one friendly to the Education and Elevation of the Freedmen. I find too an earnest purpose on the part of Gen Miles and Supt Fiske to push with vigor the educational work through the State.]

I have the honor to be, General,
Your most obdt Servant,
John M. Langston
General Inspection of Schools, &c.