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I find here a small school taught by Miss Cammilla Collins (colored) numbering fourteen pupils only.  This School was a very large one before the opening of the others which are free, while in this Miss Collins makes a charge of $1.00 per month per scholar.  In this School the Children are making poor - indeed no real progress - for the teacher is unqualified for her work.  And in this connection, I may say, that as far as my observation goes it is always the case that a poor teacher succeed admirably in making a poor school whatever the color of the teacher or pupils, None other serve to advance the Freedman than well qualified teachers white or black.  
There are two Sabbath Schools here with an attendance of one hundred and eighty pupils.  In these Schools fifteen colored persons are engaged as teachers  The Superintendents of both are colored men.
The Sentiment here with regard to the Education and Elevation of the Freedmen, on the part of all the classes and colors, appears to be favorable now to some extent, and improving.   The