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Further it is understood that as these schools, when transferred to this Board, become Public Schools and are subject to the constant supervision of the entire Community, the same rights and privileges are unquestionably conceded to the Educational Bureau which transfers them to our charge and responsibility 

As regards Statistical reports in accordance with the forms adopted by your department, the Superintendent is instructed to furnish them to you monthly from his Office #39 Burgundy St., where the Directors will at all times be happy to furnish you with any other information concerning these colored schools, that may be of use to you in making  up the Bureau's reports to the city of Washington 

Your Most obd'. Servant
(Signed) Theod. Thieneman 
Chairman Com. on cold.' Schools

P.S. Presuming that the transfer will now be made with the same good faith that it has been accepted, the Board of Directors would appreciate the same more highly if the General Commanding the 5th Military District and Commissioner for Louisiana, would announce the Bureau's action in the premises in the shape of an order - thus enlisting in the measure, the hearty concurrence of the Freedmen in general, the expense of which would be cheerfully defrayed by the Board

(Signed) Theod. Thieneman