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Fayetteville N. C. Nov. 18 1867

Major General O. O. Howard
Commissioner Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Washington City D.C.

General: - I have the honor to report according to Special order No. 160, that I find here two schools for Freed people. One is taught by two white ladies, Mrs. A. C. Hall and Miss A. Walker, the former a Southern and the latter a Northern woman, under the auspices of the Protestant Episcopal Freedmen's Commission. This School is free. It numbers about one hundred, with an average attendance of ninety. It was opened September 30th 1867 for the present term. The Text Books used are miscellaneous; some of the books are furnished the children free of charge, - most of the children buy and pay for them.

Connected with this School is a small Sabbath School numbering forty scholars. Three teachers are engaged in this School; the two ladies above-named and one gentleman (white).

These Schools are held in an old Church Edifice; known as the Protestant Church, in which there are no desks for writing, no blackboards, no charts, no maps