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special interest and deserves consideration. 

The Benevolent Societies, under whose auspices, the schools have been mainly established and conducted, in this State are the American Missionary Association, American Freedman's Union Commission, Philadelphia Friends' Freedmen's General Assembly's Freedman's Committee, and the Protestant Episcopal Freedman's Commission. I need not mention here the private educational enterprises begun and carried on, in this State, as in others, for personal gain. The number of this class of school, however, is comparatively small. [The Educational Associations [[strikethrough]] (referred to [[/strikethrough]], for the most part, conduct their schools, in the spirit of a large christian liberality, aiming at nothing other than the education and elevation of all children and adults, who come within their influence. It were well, if no associations, in this field [[strikethrough]] of educational and moral labor [[/strikethrough]] were influenced by sectarian considerations] and purpose. I am sorry, however, to be compelled, in justice to all concerned, to record the fact, that the Protestant Episcopal Freedmen's Commission has so far fallen short of a just