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By Order of Captain Irwin W. Potter
J. W. Coleman
1st Lieut 15 Infantry
Post Adjutant.

Pursuant to the above order the Board met at the Post Hospital, all the members present, and proceeded to estimate and appraise the value of the clothing, bedding, furniture, and contents, except medicines and Instruments, of the U.S. Military Hospital, in accordance with requirements of the Special Order convening the Board, and the endorsements upon a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury referred to in said order, presented for the information of the Board.

After a careful examination of the articles presented for appraisal by the Surgeon in charge of the Hospital, a list of which is hereto appended, the board agreed upon the values set opposite the articles respectively in the list.
The Board find the total amounting to fourteen hundred and seventy six dollars and fourteen cents ($1476.14) to be a fair valuation of the property presented for their action.

The Board find the articles very much worn