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ARTICLE V (Cont'd)

Section 3. Election of officers shall be held on May ___ each year, and each officer shall serve for a term of one year. The officers are nominated by Executive Committee or directly from floor of Guild Meeting.
Section 4. To be eligible to hold office, a nominee must be a member of at least one year, in good, standing, whose interest is in the progress of this Guild.

Article VI
Duties and Qualifications of Officers and Office Executive

Section 1. President: The president shall preside over all meetings and appoint all committees and committee chairmen.
Section 2.Vice President: The vice president shall perform all duties of the president in event of the president's absence.
Section 3. Secretary: The secretary shall take care of the Guild's correspondence and record the minutes of the business meetings. All outgoing mail must have the approval of the other officers.
Section 4. Treasurer: The treasurer shall take care of the Guild's monies and bank account. A monthly treasurer's report shall be read to the Guild during meeting.
Section 5. Office Executive: Will attend Guild Meeting quarterly and give report, and furnish written report monthly. Has authority to accept all monies. Treasurer and secretary of Guild must without fail, advise him of delinquent dues and status of all models. Office executive also forwards all applications to Guild Meeting and applications to be returned to office later.