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The Studio 13 Jass Band will entertain at the opening of the San Francisco Centenial Exhibition at the San Francisco Museum of Art, Van Ness and Mcallister, January [[1?]]4,1971, 6-10 p.m., and we hope the following Board Members will be able to attend:

**Elmer Bischoff
Bela Baker
Frank Bakerich
*Bill Brown
*Ron Davis
Bob Hodes
Barney Barnhart
Joe Puglioso
Walt DeMaria
*Max Leavitt
Dave Gotz
**Douglas Macagy
*Wally Hedrick
*Mike Fender
Vicent Duckels

Standford Noubauer
*Mike Starr
Jon Sagen
**Conrad Janis
Mike Spears
**David Parks (dec.)
Jim Weeks
Fred Gennert
*Julie LaRiviere
Bill Erickson (dec.)
Jerry Nordland
Lloyd Davis
**Rollo House
Ron Crotty

***Charlie Clark
Bill Chase
Adrian Wilson
Chris Vonk
Bill Johnson
Bob Parr-St. Louis
Carl Zazenbach
Chris Fenstamaker
*Flo Allen
Jeanette Baliantz
Mac McChesney
Dave Spears
Charlis Zigmund
**Jon Schueler

Key: **Original Member *Current Member

Headquarters: 800 Chestnut Street, San Francisco
This is to certify that for outstanding work Flo Allen has been awarded an honorary doctor of Jass that day, January 14, 1971, on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Studio 13 Jass Band and the 100th Anniversary of the San Francisco Art Institute.


Bob Flatt
President - B. Flatt, D.J.

Transcription Notes:
first section is sideways, does this need a specific transcription note?