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Transcription: [00:10:00]
{SPEAKER name="Faith Ringgold"}
[[on her face]] there.

Um, every Christmas she would take some of her models -- and here she is with two models, my sister is in the second from the left -- and they would go to Harlem Hospital, and give to the children's ward there,

and they would go to two wards-- they would go to the ward with the old people, and the one with the children, and they would give out gifts, small gifts, and they would give a small fashion show, to the older people.

And every year mother would do that-- she had a tremendous sense of duty to the community.

She would also um, she was excellent at managing money in the house, but in her business she often felt that when she had a fashion show she should share the proceeds with some camp or some other charitable organization.

That's her to the far right.

Now here she is -- I'm down in the lower left hand corner and um, you can see I'm a little embarrassed there again -- she's [[laughs]], she's just too much for me I guess [[laughs]].

She's standing up there um, I don't know, talking about something with Barbara Mayo who was a hat designer who used to give shows with my mother and Anne Hedgeman who was, is, a very famous community person and politician, uh, still active in the Harlem community.

Transcription Notes:
Anna Arnold Hedgeman