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Transcription: [00:14:00]
{SPEAKER name="Faith Ringgold"}
a picture of my brother and my father— my father's to the left. The way they looked at my sister's wedding.

And this is my sister's wedding, um, my sister's not on here. [[audience laughter]] I never could figure out why she wasn't on this picture. Mmm, well, I am third from the left.

But my sister's not here. My brother is second from the left on the top and my father is the last one.

And we were always told that— and my mother used to always say that my father was so tall —now look at him, he's not tall at all. [[audience laughter]] Well see she was very short. So she thought every—she thought I was tall. Everybody was tall to her.

Well, two pictures went by. Uh-uh, well we just passed by one of my weddings, that was quick. [[laughter]] Well, that's actually the one I'm in now. The first one was that fast. [[laughter]] Anyway.

Here she is with her grandchildren and a niece. My two little girls are the little girls, and Cheryl, my brother's daughter, is the big girl and the niece is the second from the right.

She also loved to have children in her fashion shows and she always made clothes for my children and for Cheryl. So a part of every show involved her bringing the children out to show their fashions.

And here she is with her three