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however, have been issued except at the two hospitals and asylums at this place and Helena. 

In some parts of the state the prospect is even encouraging. The following is an extract from the narrative report for January of Mr. Hiram F. Willis, late Lieutenant 22nd Veteran Reserve Corps, Aget in the extreme southwestern part of the state. This officer has a very hard district, being on the Texas border and forty five miles from any military post. He proves master of the situation however. I have referred to the efficiency of this officer in former reports. He says: 

"Quite a number of freedmen stimulated by
"a desire to possess a homestead, have come to ask
"advice how to proceed in order to avail themselves 
"of the homestead law. Owing generally to their 
"inability to operate successfully upon their own
"resources at the present time, and owing to the
"unusual demand for labor in both counties I
"have advised them to work another year under
"contract, and in the event of a good crop they
"would be better able to carry out their desire. 

"The condition of the freedmen in any  
"district is very encouraging. There is an abundance 
"of labor for them and freedmen from other parts 
"might find profitable employment here.

"There are only isolated cases of real want
"and these are confined to widows upon whom  are 
"often dependent large families of children. 

Transcription Notes:
The entire quoted text has a quotation mark starting the each line to indicate the quote continues.