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labor on account of voting, and in the majority of cases without payment or settlement, but those discharged have been employed by others, and in general upon much better terms than those of the first contract, - payment under their first contracts for services rendered will be demanded. Very few have suffered want on account of having been discharged, while the condition of the greater number of them has been much improved. - This is due, in a great measure, to the late advance in the price of cotton, which has enabled Planters to put more land under cultivation.

Soup Kitchens have been established, in the principal Cities, which relieves all destitution in those localities. Small issues of Bureau supplies have been made in the Counties of Colbert and Conecuh, under the Act of Congress approved March 30. 1867. It is believed that no general issue will be required.

The disturbed condition of civil affairs - the apathy of the Courts -