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| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 26" 1867. #52. * | Von Wills Charles 2 enclo. E.B. p.349. Vol 2, Feby 28" Rec'd back. file. P.L.B. Vol 3. March 15" 1867. | Washington Feby 26" 1867. Introduces A. Myer, clerk, claims Div, who desires that his salary be raised from $95, to $100, per month, making it equal to the pay of other discharge soldiers in that Div. Favorably recommended by Maj Fowler. | 

| Feby 24" 1867. #53 * | Virginia. J. M. Schofield General Feby 27" Transmitted to Asst. Com'r of Miss. Nov.3d. Rec'd back with report. E.B. p. 80 Vol 4. | Richmond Feby 25" 1867. Forwards letter of Capt. N.L. Tidball, Supt. who states Lewis Morgan (col'd) wishes information of his family and their circumstances. He was carried from his family about twenty years ago, at that time they lived with Mr Larry Tatum, about 10 miles from Clinton, Hinds County, Miss. |

| Feby 27" 1867. #54 | Virginia J.M. Schofield General Feby 27," Transmitted to Asst. Com'r of N.C. Rec'd back with report. E.B. p.76. Vol 3. April 10th 1867. April 25" Rec'd back with report. E.B. 124 Vol 3. | Richmond Feby 26" 1867, Forwards letter of Bvt. Maj. J.R. Stone, Supt. who writes on behalf of Julia Homes and Isaam Fisher. requests information of their children. |

| March 2" 1867 #55. | Virginia J.M. Schofield General Mch 4" Recpt transmitted to Asst Com'r of S.C. March 25" Rec'd back with report. E. B. p.25 Vol 3. | Richmond March 2" 1867. Forwards letter Lieut L.W. [[Henson?]] Asst. Supt et cetera who writes in behalf of Mary Langhorn, (col'd), Desires information of her child Julia, who was sold by A. Gladden to a man of the name of Hitchcock, a Saddler in Columbia S.C. in 1861. requests that inquiries be made for her. |
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[[3 Column Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| March - 1867, #56, * | Virginia J.M. Schofield, Gen'l. file. copy furnishes C.Q.M. March 2" 1867. | Richmond Feby 28" 1867. Reports respecting the transporting of the freedmen from the peninsula. |

| March 7" 1867 #57 | Virginia J.M. Schofield, Gen'l Gen E Whittelsey | Richmond March 6" 1867, In reply to letter of the 4" inst., states that from the best data in his possession he believes that about 2500 whites & 2500 blacks will require aid from the Gov't. |

| March 7" 1867, #58. | Virginia J.M. Schofield General. Mar 7" Forwarded approved & rec. | Richmond. March 6" 1867. Forwards "approved" application of Capt. Jas. A. Bates 43" U.S.I. for a leave of absence for four (4) months to commence June 1" 1867, to visit Scotland, Great Britain, for reasons stated. |

| March 8" 1867, #59 | Virginia J.M. Schofield General. E.B. p 380 Vol 2, April [[20?]] Rec'd back with report E.B. p 380 Vol 2. | Richmond March 7" 1867. Forwards letter of Rob't. Parker (col'd) who requests the cancelling of Indentures binding his children to Saul Moore of Hartfold, Co. N.C., With "the recommendation that the children be restored to their parents." | 

| March 8" 1867. #60. E.B. p 379 Vol 2. | Virginia. J.M. Scholfield, General. 1 enclo. | Richmond, Mar 7" 1867, Returns letter of Feb 20" stating that 2" Lt. C.F. Roles, on duty with his regiment at Norfolk Va, is desirous of a detail in this Bureau if such an officer is need thinks Lt. Roles would be available. Calling attention to end, of A.A.G. Dept of Pot. "Lt Role cannot be spared "from his company." |
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