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Washington, D.C., Nov. 5, 1867.
Steam Book and Job Printing Establishment,
499 11th street, near Pennsylvania Avenue,

Major Gen. O.O. Howard:

Dr. Sir: _ I have known the bearer of this note, Capt. C. G. McClelland, intimately for some years past. He is a gentleman of "our faith" in politics - served his country faithfully through the great rebellion, and now deserves well at its hands. If you can possibly find employment for him in your department I sincerely hope you will do so. Such a favor could not be bestowed on one more deserving. He is honest and faithful, and his education such as to qualify him for almost any position.

Hoping you may be able to grant his request, I am yours, Truly,
W. J. Cowing

See Judge Edmund's endorsement on opposite page