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made to obtain a decision from the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.  I am happy to report that the continued and persistent efforts of this Bureau have at last been crowned with success, and respectfully refer to the following decision of Chief Justice Chase, given Oct. 16, in the U.S. Circuit Court of this city; case of Eliza Turner vs Philemon S. Hamilton.

[[left margin]] Decision of Chief Justice Chase [[/left margin]]
1st "The first clause of the 13th amendment of the Constitution of the U.S. interdicts slavery and involuntary servitude except as a punishment for crime, and established freedom as the constitutional right of all persons in the U.S"

2nd "The alleged apprenticeship in the present case is involuntary servitude within meaning of these words in the amendment"

3rd "If it were otherwise the indentures set forth in the return does not contain important provisions for the security, and benefit of the apprentice which are required by the laws of Maryland in indenture of white apprentices, and is therefore a contravention of that clause of the first section of the 'Civil Rights Bill,' enacted on the 19th of April 1866."

4th "This law having been enacted under the second clause of the 13th Amendment in enforcement of the first clause of the same amendment is constitutional and applies to all conditions prohibited by it, whether originating in transactions before or since its enactment."

5th "Colored persons equally with white persons are citizens of the U.S."