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"The petitioner therefore must be, discharged from restraint by the respondent."

The above decision is applicable to a majority of the cases existing under the apprentice system of Maryland, and it is hoped will result in breaking up the evil.

[[left margin]] Delaware Apprentice System [[/left margin]]
With regard to the apprentices system of Delaware the Supt. of that District reports no discrimination between whites, and blacks, and complaints of ill treatment are promptly redressed by the civil authorities.

Disbursing Office
[[left margin]] Disbursing Office [[/left margin]]
The above branch of this Bureau has been actively engaged during the quarter in erecting new School houses throughout the District and completing those unfinished as the date of last report.
[[left margin]] New school houses [[/left margin]]
Fourteen (14) new school buildings have been commenced during the quarter making in addition to those already completed, or in process of completion a total of Seventy (70) school houses throughout the Districts for which materials, and labor have furnished.
[[left margin]] Payment of bounties &c. [[/left margin]]
The very large number of claims for bounty, pensions &c. which are paid through the office, has made the Disbursing Department an exceedingly important branch of this Bureau.

I respectfully refer you to the following statistical report, as furnished by Saml. I. Wright, S.A. D.C.