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[[left margin]] Correspondence between Bu, & Balt Supt's. [[/left margin]]

in any previous month since April.-

The correspondence mentioned in my last report as pending between Mr. Day, and the Baltimore Supt. of Schools, has since favorably terminated by a letter, of which I give a copy.

Office of the Comms. of Pub. Schools
Baltr. Oct. 15th 1867 -

"This certifies that the Board of Commissioners of Public Schools of the city of Baltr, have directed the teachers of the colored Schools under their charge to report monthly as per form attached, to W. Howard Day Esq, Supt. of colored schools for the State of Md."

By Order 
W.D. McJilton Secty,
Board of Com. Pub. Schools

[[left margin]] Dificulties encountered by Baltimore teachers [[/left margin]]

Since the above order was issued, all the Teachers of colored Schools, with one exception have reported to this office.  Notwithstanding the obstacles thrown in the way of our Teachers by the change of city School Board consequent upon a new election, they have still continued in the discharge of their duties, No regular payment of Teachers had been made under the Old School Board, the City Register declining such payment upon the ground that colored schools had not been established under any law, Since the accession of the New Board it has, after much discussion, decided to pay the Teachers, but future payments will not be assumed without action of the City Council in January, Notwithstanding the above annoyances the City Supt. reports the schools,