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Private Schools
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never in so efficient a condition as now.”In addition to two (2) private or independent schools reported in last quarter, Mr. Day has obtained reports from nineteen(19)others, many of them in a high state of efficiency owing to the continuance of work under contracts extending to Christmas, and religious interest in protracted meetings the colored people have not been regular in their attendance at night schools,...

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Night Schools
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...the Baltimore night schools are taught by teachers detailed from days schools by order of the School Board. No general conference (into referenced to educational matters) suggested in last report has been held with the colored Pastors of Baltimore.

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Normal Schools
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The Normal Schooling Baltimore is now occupying more convenient rooms which now formally opened Dec.16” with public exercises, In Wilmington Del. the Normal Schools are fully established and steadily progressing.

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Inspection of Schools
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During the quarter the Superintendent has visited Schools in the counties of Anne Arundal,Harpers and Cecil in MD. and Newcastle, in Delaware addressing the colored people in in each place upon the subject of education and urging them to renewed exertion. The result has been satisfactory, and the Supt’s inspection will be continuous during the coming quarter. 

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Fund contributed by Schools
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The colored people have also been urged to make their schools self sustaining and I am pleased to report that fifty (50) schools in Md. have agreed to pay each twelve (12) dollars per month towards a fund to be used in opening new schools.

The public sentiment in the District is